35. We Are The Champions

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I consider it a challenge before the whole human race - Queen

2:06 PM, Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The entire crew crowds into the loading dock where the ping pong tables have been set up. Team Harry wears the white Kindness is Everywhere shirt while Team Chele has dressed in the black and pink plaid KIE shirt.

Chele's smile grows to epic proportions as she spies more black and pink in the crowd than white. While it's possible that some wearing the shirt simply had nothing else clean to wear, she's confident that enough are on her side.

"You're going down, Styles," she grins, picking up her paddle and spinning it in her hand, getting used to the weight and feel of it again. "Wait!" she calls. "You know, I don't think this paddle is quite right. Are you trying to cheat, H?" She accuses.

"What are you talking about, Chele?" Harry remarks. "How would I rig the paddle?"

"I'm not really sure, which is why the president of my fan club purchased a new paddle just for me." With that pronouncement, Chele gestures towards Adam who approaches the table with a steel carrying case.

With a flourish, Adam places the case on the table, flicking the locks open and tilting the lid. A series of "Ohhs!" and "Ahhhs!" from the crowd behind him cause Harry's eyes to widen. "My lady," Adam pronounces, "Your weapon." With a sweeping gesture of his hand, he motions for Chele to approach.

With measured steps, she draws nearer to the case, her eyes making contact with Harry's over the top. His smirk is evident, and she knows he's loving the dramatic moment she's created.

Removing the paddle, she holds it up for all to see. The crowd roars with laughter. It's covered with a photo of Harry as a young boy on one side and from the album cover on the other side.

Naturally, not to be outdone, Harry holds up the ping pong ball to prepare for serving. It's blue. Chele grins, even though no one else will get the joke except the two of them.

"Bring it, Moore," he grins, serving wickedly fast. Chele surges forward, returning the serve with more effort than usual. He's been practicing. Even though she takes the first game, she's sweating hard by the end of it, and he's barely damp.

After four games, the two are tied.

"Rest break!" Harry calls, panting.

Chele debates pushing him to continue to play while he's tired. Each game has been close, and the crowd is waiting with bated breath for the final tiebreaker. Who will take home the trophy? After two and a half days of elimination rounds where Chele and Harry had each powered through their opponents, it is time for the winner to be crowned.

"No way, H!" she calls back. "I'll give you one minute to get a drink and de-sweat-ify, but after that, it's game on!"

Sarah approaches Chele, rubbing her shoulders. "You got this," she encourages. Adam holds a water bottle up to her mouth, squeezing the liquid into her throat. Coughing lightly, Chele waves him off. On the opposite side of the table, she notices Mitch and Hélène supporting Harry.

Her fans have taken up a simple chant. "Chele, Chele. She's our girl! If she can't whip him, no one will!" When their voices die down, the Harry fans pick up their own cheering. "Stronger than steel, hotter than the sun! Harry won't stop until he gets the job done!" There's a middle group that tends to sway with whoever is most recently winning, but Chele doesn't care. It's all in fun, right?


10:06 PM, Tuesday, January 11, 2022

"Madison Square Garden! Make some noise!" Harry yells into the microphone, and the crowd goes wild. Turning around to Sarah's platform, Harry removes the trophy. "Tonight," he calls to the crowd, "we celebrate the winner of the Kindness is Everywhere table tennis championship. Every tour when we're at MSG, the crew takes part in a competition to determine the best player, and this year is no exception."

Everywhere: Book 3 of the Nowhere TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now