60. What Happens In a Small Town

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But this is where I belong, this is my home too. - Brantley Gilbert & Lindsay Ell

11:48 AM, Monday, July 4, 2022

"I cannot believe they came here together," Aly hisses in Phoenix's ear.

With a shrug, Phee continues to remove the remaining items from the Liberty Bell float. How people manage to leave behind things like car keys, jackets, and shoes is beyond her comprehension. She expected to have to clear away extra beads and treats that were being thrown to the crowd, but none of that is still here.

"She can date who she wants. Besides, I don't think they arrived together. I saw Willow get out of the car with her parents, while Brigit was climbing out of the football captain's truck."

Aly's hand grips Phee's arm. "Wait. Do you think the biotch is cheating on Willow? That would be poetic justice."

But Phoenix doesn't want to engage in this conversation. "Look, Aly. I don't wish any of them ill. Harry says to treat people with kindness, even when they don't deserve it, and I am attempting to do that where Willow is concerned. I liked her when we were together. She made a mistake. It's all in the past now."

"When did you get to be so mature about this shit?" Aly wonders.

As they finish cleaning out the float area, Phee leads Aly to the Lost & Found booth near the Double Take Thrift store. It's the best place for a Lost & Found because anything not claimed can be sold in the thrift store to fund the next event. Turning back towards the park to prepare for the hot dog eating competition, Phoenix is taken aback when she spies Willow standing on the corner leading to the parking lot. The other girl waves shyly, and Phoenix decides this is a wonderful testing ground for what Harry preaches. Raising her hand slightly towards her ex-girlfriend, Phee continues walking in the direction of the next gathering. Fourth of July is one of her favorite Nowhere celebrations, and she's not missing it to talk to an out-of-towner.

"Hey, Phee. Aly." Willow falls in step behind them.

"Go home, Willow," Aly cautions. "The parade is over."

"But I need to talk to Phee."

"You don't need to do anything with Phoenix," Aly hisses, and Phee stops in her tracks.

"It's okay, Aly. You go ahead. Save me a seat."

Biting her lip, Aly examines Phoenix's face for signs that she means what she says. Finally with a single nod, she steps away from the other two girls. Her heart pounding, Phoenix crosses her arms to protect herself from whatever Willow might say. After all, this is the girl who broke her heart. Her first love. Perhaps Phee is giving her too much credit, though. What would Harry say? Or Aunt Chele?

She can hear their voices in her head: Sometimes you have to be vulnerable. Open yourself up to new experiences. Be raw. She's sure that's Harry's voice. Holy evasive exes! Get it over with quickly! A smile drifts across her face at Aunt Chele's words.

"What's up, Will?"

"Um," the girl shuffles her feet, scuffing them in the dirt by the sidewalk.

She's so pretty, and Phoenix has to catch her breath at the reminder that this creature had chosen Phee all those months ago. Her first kiss -- she can still taste the strawberry lip gloss.

"Your brother?"

"Patrick? Yeah? What about him?"

"Is he -- was he the one in the picture with Harry Styles?"

Neither the cold sweat that breaks out on the back of her neck nor the loud thumping of her heart have anything to do with the fact that she's talking to her ex. That's gone out the window.

Everywhere: Book 3 of the Nowhere TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now