28. Whatever It Takes

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I know what's at stake; I know that I've let you down. - Lifehouse

9:43 AM, Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Waking slowly, Chele starts to stretch, freezing when her arms and legs run into another body in the bed. Holy poop on a penguin! She has a vague memory of hitting on the lead singer in that awful band at the bar. She prays she wasn't stupid enough to have a one night stand with the guy. But wait. Clothes. Hands roaming down her own body, she finds herself in a shirt and underpants. So it's possible she didn't have sex with him, but then why would he take her home just to sleep?

Risking it, her teeth gritted together, Chele forces one eye open. Her entire being breathes a sigh of relief that emerges all the way from her toes when she spots Harry's face.

Wait. Harry? Oh crap on a cracker! Had she engaged in a threesome with Hélène? Rising on her elbow, she peers over Harry's body to see if the French photographer is there. Not spying her, she listens for water from the bathroom, but it's silent, and she relaxes.

Oh, holy hot tamales! Had she had sex with Harry? No. She knows he would never take advantage of her when she's been drinking. Vaguely she recalls him showing up at the bar and screaming at her before Jeffrey rescued her.

New problem! How is she going to get out of his room and hotel without the band noticing? Lying on her back, she throws her arm over her eyes. What a pickle she's put herself in.

Harry's gruffly masculine voice interrupts her turmoil. "Want to tell me what's swirling around in your brain this morning, baby?"

Shaking her head, Chele doesn't remove her arm, preferring not to actually look at Harry just yet. None of her questions will be answered unless she speaks, so she takes a breath and starts with the foremost thing on her mind. "How am I supposed to keep this secret from the band when it's daylight?" Her questions snowball from there. "How much did I have to drink? No, don't answer that. Banana pandas! Do I need to settle my bill at the bar? Where is Jeffrey? Did I imagine him? How did I end up in these clothes? What happened with Hélène? I mean, I know you didn't have sex with her. You wouldn't do that, and I have no clue why I thought you might for even a moment. Why am I at your hotel? Why didn't you take me to mine? Did I finish my article and send it to Mandy? Oh, yes. I must have. Was that band really as awful as I remember? Was I mad at you? How did I braid my hair when I was drunk?"

"Shhhhh," he whispers, stroking her arm.

Sitting up straight, she looks for her phone or a clock. "Holy white rabbits! I'm late!"

"Stop," he urges, pulling on her arm. "Jeffrey told everyone you had a stomachache, asking them not to disturb you. He's taking my mum on a river tour of the city's famous architecture. Now let me order something for brekkie. What do you want?"

Still sitting, she draws her legs up and plants her elbows on her knees, burying her hands in her hair. "I've made a mess of things, Harry. I'm sorry."

Pulling his body to a seated position, he rubs her back. "Nothing to apologize for, baby. We'll get to all of that. But first you need sustenance. So what will it be?"

The thought of any food makes her stomach flip, but she knows from experience that she needs to replenish nutrients that she lost while -- oh holy villainous vomiting! Bits and pieces of memories come back to her, including emptying her stomach into a trash can. So embarrassing! But that definitely means she needs food.

"I'll have avocado toast with a poached egg and a banana please. And lots of water. Gallons of it," she requests, falling back onto the mattress as she hears Harry quietly placing the food order on the hotel phone.

Everywhere: Book 3 of the Nowhere TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now