66. I Choose You

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Tell the world that we finally got it all right - Sara Bareilles

7:04 PM, Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The gavel bangs loudly on the podium at the front of the gym at Nowhere Elementary. It reverberates through the space, echoing from the rafters and garnering the attention of the townsfolk.

"I hereby call this meeting to order!" Patrick speaks loudly and firmly, and residents settle in their seats, facing the young mayor.

"I hope this isn't another one of those silly meetings," Franny complains. "We didn't have any of those under the previous mayor."

"Franny, I called meetings just like Patrick does whenever there's important town business," Liz chastizes as she lowers her son Ivan to the ground so he can run to his sister. Aisha holds her hands out and claps at the toddler who grins and teeters across the floor to her.

"Humph," the lead bowler huffs.

"We need to coordinate," Patrick continues, "because we've got visitors for the next three weeks in a row. Normally we would hold our Mad Hatter Day in mid-October. Do we want to plan entertainment for all three weeks of visitors or repeat the same festival?"

"I think it depends on who is coming," Ace chimes in. "Do they have children? Are they expecting quirky?"

"Excellent questions!" Alison agrees, "Plus do we know how many rooms they need? The new shower and bath combos have been installed thanks to Richie --" She pauses to nod at the man. "But if all four bedrooms are going to be needed, I'm going to require help replacing the mattresses."

Tonya rubs her hand over her swelling belly as she glances at her husband Mark. "We heard it was going to be some weird cult people that Harry knows."

"What the hell are you talking about, Tonya?" Sheriff Niki asks. "Harry doesn't even know weird cult people."

"Do you, Harry?"

All the eyes in the gym swivel to where he's sat with his arm leisurely draped around Chele. Should he go with a cheeky response? As if she knows what he's thinking, Chele squeezes his thigh with her hand. The nearly imperceptible head shake is enough of a hint.

"I believe that Ben Winston and his family are coming again, followed by the Gerbers and their two children. But I don't know the third set of visitors. Who else is it going to be, Patrick?"

The young man clears his throat while looking at the list on his podium. "Um, I believe it's, um, your band, Harry."

"Oh! Holy freewheeling friends!" The musician plants his palm over his face. "I completely forgot. Well, I can tell you that they won't need any entertainment. They're coming to rehearse for a bit."

"Rehearse?!" A roar from the crowd is followed by rapid fire questions.

"Is your album done?"

"New music already?"

"Wait. Are you going on tour?"

Patrick pounds the gavel again until the crowd gets quiet. Seven-year-old Paige interrupts the quiet. "Harry?" she asks, and he mourns the loss of her baby voice. "You're going away again?"

His crooked smile belies his watery eyes. "We talked about this, Peanut. Aunt Chele and I have to work."

She nods, biting her lip. Leaving her mum's side, she steps over to Harry and climbs into his lap. "Then I'm just gonna stay right here until it's time for you to go."

"Aren't there more than three people in the band?" Alison asks. "Where will they all sleep?"

"Adam and his family will stay at the inn. Mitch and Sarah will stay with us." Chele responds. "But we need a place for Ny and Charlotte to stay. Who has extra rooms?"

Everywhere: Book 3 of the Nowhere TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now