39. Family Reunion

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It's so nice to see all the folks you love together - The O'Jays

4:02 PM, Wednesday, March 3, 2022

Molly grasps his arm as the blood drains from his face. What had she said? Her brain rewinds. This reaction cannot be because of the sets for Africa.

"Wait. You're freaking out that we know about you and Chele? Don't. This crew will do anything for you, H. Not because you're their star, but because you're so humble. I promise that if they knew you were worried, each one would gladly sign an oath to keep the secret to their graves." She's as confident of this as she's ever been of anything. This crew worships Harry. They go out of their way to do extra for him because he makes each of them feel special.

Shaking his head as if to clear cobwebs, Harry sways a little on his feet. "How does everyone know?"

Seriously contemplating his question, Molly tilts her head to the side. "Well, you both hid it well for a long time. Months actually. But sometime in January, there were little hints. You started to look for her before shows. And during shows. Then there was the fact that everyone else who came to get your amazing coffee was turned away, but not Chele. Oh, and you call her on stage a lot for silly things. Like you just can't stand to be away from her even for a show. Little things, you know. Subtle. But people are smart, and they notice. But it's not a bit deal, right?"

His soft voice carries a weariness she hadn't expected. "I guess not. But if her boss found out..."

"Ah," Molly muses. "So that goes double for the press, right?"

The panicked look that crosses Harry's face concerns his creative director, and she reaches out to pat his shoulder. "It's okay, H. The news won't leak. Everyone signed NDAs as part of employment."


7:48 PM, Wednesday, March 3, 2022

Harry wishes he were as confident as Molly that word won't get out. There's too many people on the crew to keep it a secret. Harry vows to watch his words and actions more closely around Chele. Except that he's about to go on stage, and he really needs her presence to calm him. It always works. Wringing his hands, he debates how to draw her to his dressing room without grabbing attention from stagehands. A text!

Stumbling back into his dressing room, he fumbles for his phone. As soon as his hands close around the cool glass and metal of the device, he hears the door behind him close.

"Looking for someone?" Her sultry voice instantly has the effect he desires. It washes over him like a sonic wave of serenity. Fuck. He misses her.

His crooked smile as he turns to face her displays his dimple, and he doesn't care if she knows how incredibly satisfying it is to see her.

"You," he whispers as he approaches her, trailing his hands down her braid as he strips the hair tie off. His fingers separate the strands as he kisses her with every bit of emotion wafting through his body. She readily opens to him, and they tangle together for endless moments as he winds her hair around his fingers.

His brain starts working as he eases from the kiss. Would it really be the end of the world if word got out that they are dating? After all, they thought that him leaving Nowhere would be the finale. But then the band knew, and that actually made things better for them. His family knows. The crew knows now. Maybe it's time to go more public?

Not at this moment of course. He's got a show to perform, and thank goodness for the loose trousers since the kiss has created a slight problem down below. Smiling, Harry knows that his fans will actually appreciate his erection rather than be upset by it. Perhaps he should keep kissing his lady?

Everywhere: Book 3 of the Nowhere TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now