55. It's a Small World

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It's a world of hopes and a world of fears - Disneyland Chorus

8:29 PM, Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Nervously, Chele paces the baggage claim at Narita Airport in Tokyo. Knowing Harry would be mobbed if he joined her, he chose to wait in the rental vehicle. Holy international travel! What had he been thinking to not send an adult with them? What if something happened on the plane? What if they can't get through immigration? After all, they've never traveled by themselves.

Her boyfriend is an idiot.

She pulls out her phone to text him and call him ugly names when she hears Phoenix's voice drifting around the corner.

"Aunt Chele said she would be waiting for us. I wish you had let me get one of those carts. Harry is loaded. He wouldn't have minded paying for it."

Turning to face them, Chele is overwhelmed at the actual sight. Placing a shaking hand over her mouth, she stifles her cry of excitement. Phee has a bag on each shoulder. Patrick, however, is carrying Paige, her head on his shoulder while he trails a small rolling carry-on behind him.

Rushing forward, Chele can't decide if she should help Phee with the bags or take Paige from Patrick. Her decision is moot when Phoenix drops what she's carrying and throws her arms around her aunt.

"Aunt Chele! You're here! Oh my lanta! It's so incredibly good to see you. I thought that damn flight was never going to end. It's a loooooooonnnnng time on an airplane."

Wrapping her arms around her oldest niece, Chele returns the hug as tightly as she can. How she has missed them!

Paige stirs just as Phoenix steps back from the hug. "Aunt Chele?" she mumbles, brushing her hair from her face. "You hold me?"

"Of course, Peanut!"

Patrick winces. "Um, she wet herself."

"Oh, no! Are you okay, Paige?"

"Mhm. Mean boy was in the bafroom and wouldn't leave."

"I'm so sorry, baby girl. Come here." Holding out her arms, she takes the weight of the five year old from Patrick's arms. It causes her to stagger for a moment. "You got big! Patrick, go get a cart. You can use my credit card. It's in my back pocket." Turning, she presents her backside to her nephew who holds both of his hands up in surrender. Laughing, Chele twists until Phoenix can grab the card from the jeans.

Handing the credit card to Patrick, Phoenix hugs Chele again, her arms around Paige too. "I've missed you, Aunt Chele! So much."

With tears welling up, Chele agrees, "Missed you, too, sweet girl."

"We go to sweep now, Aun' Chele?" Paige asks.

"Yep. As soon as we get your bags. I'm sure you want a quick bath and change of clothes too. We'll be at the hotel soon enough. Harry's waiting for us in the car."

"HAWWY!" the little girl perks up.

"I said he's in the car. But don't worry. He can't wait to see you, Peanut."

It's another 20 minutes by the time the kids' suitcases have exited the chute and are piled onto the rolling cart with their carryon bags.

"Harry flew us first class, Aunt Chele," Patrick brags. "We got hot towels and hot food. And like real silverware. Okay, not real real. But they were fancy and not plastic."

"I would hope so," Chele scoffs. "For what he paid to fly you over here, you should have had all the caviar and champagne you wanted."

"No," Phoenix pouts. "The drinking age is 21 even on an international flight."

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