14. Beautiful

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Telluride and an afternoon hike - Avion

10:15 PM, Wednesday, November 24, 2021

He can keep his hands off of her. It will take a ton of willpower, but he can do it. Dammit. He will do it. As he mentioned earlier, he's not here for a quick piece of arse. If that's all he wanted, then another tour with Hélène would have been fine. Chele's a forever kind of girl. He knows this about her. So if he needs to sleep on a fold-out sofa with the bar digging into his back in order to make her feel safe, he'll do it.

Thankfully, she leads him to the bedroom instead. As soon as they get there, she smacks her forehead with her palm. "Shoot! Monkey pants! I forgot my suitcase."

With a chuckle, Harry grabs the bag from the front room. The mood is once more lighthearted rather than serious, and he's relieved. Tomorrow will be heavy enough with the bargaining about tour. While she's in the bathroom preparing for the night, he gives himself a pep talk. Or rather, he gives his cock a pep talk.

"It's okay, my friend. Soon enough, it will happen. There's nothing wrong with taking things slow." Naturally, the thought of sharing a bed with her has excited him, but with a solid reprimand, Harry is confident that he can calm down. The second she walks out of the bathroom in her sweatpants and Treat People with Kindness hoodie, Harry knows he's in trouble. How is it possible for her to be completely covered up and yet so incredibly sexy? Her face is free of make-up, and this is the Chele he remembers best. Braiding the last bit of her hair into one long ponytail, Chele glances at him and freezes.

"Is this acceptable? I didn't really pack anything else for sleeping," she states shyly.

Acceptable? Fuck. If he's in this much trouble while she's wearing baggy and comfy clothes, he cannot even begin to imagine how rock hard he would be if she were wearing actual lingerie.

"Mhm," is all he can manage to mumble as he stumbles past her into the shared bathroom which now smells of her. Oh holy hell. How did her scent make things worse?

With the door closed, he takes a deep breath and gazes at himself in the mirror. A solid wank in the shower will help.


10:38 PM, Wednesday, November 24, 2021

When he shuffles past her into the bathroom, Chele frets. Tying the hair band around her braid, she bites her lip and wrings her hands. Why is this so weird? They'd shared a bed in Nowhere without any problems. Except that the next morning, she'd rocked her way to an orgasm on his hardened flesh. If Alison hadn't interrupted, she would have had a second, and this current scrambling for even ground would be pointless.

As the sand shifts under her feet, she peels back the covers on one side of the bed, sliding in while still wearing her socks in an effort for full coverage. Nun-like even. If only she had a wimple to top off her appearance. Technically, he's not her boss, but the power differential is real. If Mandy found out Chele and Harry were in the same cabin -- much less the same BED -- Chele would be fired without question. The possibility of that consequence sucks.

Sliding as far to the edge as she can manage without falling off, Chele attempts to minimize herself. Harry is taking forever; she can hear the shower. Good thing she won't need hot water until morning because at this rate there won't be any left in the entire town. Restless, she opens her meditation app to comfort her. Closing her eyes, she attempts to follow the spoken directions, failing miserably. Exasperated, she turns off the app and her phone.

When the door to the bathroom opens and a cloud of steam escapes, Chele scrunches herself even smaller on the bed. She'll pretend to be asleep. That will make this go more smoothly.

Everywhere: Book 3 of the Nowhere TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now