Road to Mooshu

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Josh's POV
You wiped the tears from your eyes. "I guess we're headed to mooshu." You chuckled. I don't remember much of the attack. All I remember is how when we began sailing the sky was beautiful, Mom said she was taking me somewhere special, next thing I knew a loud explosion and then I was in the water, poor little jonsey and I struggling to swim." You frowned at the memory. Serena grabbed your arm, "she'd be so proud you've made it this far." She smiled. You gave her a side hug, the 6 of you hurriedly sailing out of there. The ship had almost completely sank, you glanced at the wreckage. Your eyes widened when  you saw, on the top of the ships helm, burning in flames. Stood Deacon, he was staring right at you guys. You gulped turning back around. Felix had gone below deck,grabbing a book from his bag, "hey, I have this textbook on Mooshu ,I think there's a map in the middle somewhere. " He stated flipping through the pages. "Uncle Egg Foo, has a nice ring to it." Kai smirked slapping your shoulder. "Ah here!" You had anchored in a safe spot in the middle of Arryo Grande. "So looks like we're on the edge of Cool Ranch, the Hamistu Skyway is just north of here." Felix spoke showing Faith and Josh. "Hey, is that a windstone?" Faith pointed to the drawing on the far right. "Hmm looks like it. How are we supposed to get our hands on that, now that we're in the clockworks radar." Kai asked. "I may know someone who could help, let's head back to skull island, we'll fuel up and get some food, we'll get some beds for the undercarriage." Serena stated. The 6 of you agreed.

Faith's POV
"Okay, I guess we'll go refuel the ship." Josh spoke up. "Serena, want me to come with you to see your friend?" You asked. "Sure, let's go." You waved the boys off heading towards Avery's Court. You passed the mayors house, and the school buildings. Entering a fauna heavy path. Serena sliced some vines revealing a lavish mansion. "Woah, who lives here?" You questioned following her up the spiral stairs. Serena grinned. She knocked on the door. We waited a few moments. The locks jiggled and when the door opened it revealed, Captain Avery, he was adorned in a velvet purple robe, and was smoking a pipe. "Oh pirates! So good to see you! I do say, what brings you by at this time?" He asked raising and eyebrow. You pulled out the book Felix had, handing it to Rena. She flipped to the map, "looks like you need a windstone to Mooshu young pirates!" Avery gleamed. "Do come in." He gestured. The two of you sat on the couch in his living room. Columns and statues as well as many plants decorated the home. "Beautiful isn't it? The finest marble, stolen from Aquila." He gleamed. "Tea?" He asked pouring himself a cup, dropping a few sugar cubes into it. You glanced at Rena, she shrugged her shoulders pouring herself a cup, you followed suit. "So windstone to mooshu, how do we get ahold of something like that?" You questioned sipping your tea, Avery leaned forward reading the map. "Hmm Mooshu has blockaded all the trade ports, all heavily armed. You can't just sneak in. Alas, the Emperor has fallen ill, All executive decisions are made by his next in command unfortunately." He sighed reclining in his seat. You filled your tea cup once more, listening to his story. "And with that second in Command, he has confiscated the Mooshu windstone." He claimed. Serena sighed slumping in her seat. The 3 of you sat in silence, thinking for a moment. "But... that doesn't mean you can't get in through diplomatic purposes." Avery stood smiling. You grinned,"that's a brilliant idea!" "I agree, would you be able to help with that?" Rena asked Avery. Avery tapped his pipe to his head, blowing out a puff of smoke in thought. "All Yum Fruits are exported and grown in Mooshu, I put in an order a while back... the shipment should be there any day. I could send your rag tag bunch, and I wouldn't have to pay transport prices!" Avery laughed clapping. "You don't expect to be paid right?" Avery raised an eyebrow joking. "No, Sir, keep your scrip." You laughed. The 3 of you walked to the front door, "come back by the office in the morning, we'll get your paperwork sorted out." Avery spoke opening the door for the 2 of you. "Oh, by the way, thank you for making Gortez an ally again." He whispered smiling. "Wha-" the door slammed in your faces. "Okay, that was rude." Rena laughed.

Serena's POV
You and Faith walked back to lower half of town. You noticed Ryan stood outside with the rest of the boys. "About time ladies." Kai teased. "So what's the situation? Are we headed to Mooshu?" Josh asked excitedly. "Yep!" You gleamed. Faith pointed at the two of you. "You're looking at the new Diplomatic representatives of Skull Island." She laughed. The boys all chuckled clapping. "How'd you swing that?" Felix asked. "You gotta know people, you know?" You joked. "We'll meet up in the morning, we'll get our documents and sail out." Faith stated. You all nodded heading back to your dorms.
It was late at night, you sat organizing your armor and weapons. Packing your satchel. You laid in bed trying to sleep, excited for the next adventure.

Ryan's POV
You had woke up to Kai, Felix, and Josh knocking on your door. "Come on man, we're leaving soon!" You heard Felix yell through the door, you groaned, throwing off the covers. You fixed your hair putting on your hat, grabbing your bag. You opened the door the 3 boys stood with their arms crossed. "We just fought the armada, I'm allowed to be tired." You joked. Kai smirked slapping your shoulder. Serena and Faith were walking back towards you holding papers in their hands. "Alright, we are ready to get this next shipment of Yum!" Faith gleamed. "Yum shipment? Are we starting a business." Josh joked. "Oh hush Kelley." She teased. You loaded the ship, sailing to the west. "Set 5 notches for cruise, it'll be a straight shot from here." Felix stated looking at the map. Josh turned the wheel. The ship flowing onto the beautiful Hamistu Skyway. You climbed up the mast into the crow's next. you pulled out your telescope scanning the waters. "10 minutes till dock!" Felix yelled. Your eyes settled on the path in front of you, the two islands blocked by naval ships. "Birds in the front, Hamistu Naval Officers." You yelled down. Josh slowed the speed of the ship, to look less intimidating. You slowly pulled to the checkpoint.
"Travel papers please." The gruff cow said, he was adorned in chained armor, his samurai swords clung to his hips. Serena extended the sealed documents. He snatched them examining them. "Seems everything is in order. Proceed." He stated handing the papers back. You breathed a sigh of relief, josh accelerating forward.

Serena's POV
You had docked at the capital city, you stated at the city in awe, at the end of the town stood the ancient Jade palace. You had checked into one of the little inns in town. "There's only 5 rooms," Kai stated. "It's okay, Felix want to room with me?" Josh asked. Felix's eyes widened. "Uh yeah, awesome." He said awkwardly rubbing his neck smiling. "You saw that too right." Ryan whispered. You shoved  his side with your elbow. "Yes, now calm down." You laughed.
You all had gathered in Josh and Felix's room. Sitting around the couch. "So how do we find this Egg Foo guy." Kai asked twirling his dagger. "We do what we always do. We ask some locals." Faith stated eating a snack. "The people of mooshu don't seem like they like enjoy the clockworks, I feel a bit safer being here." Felix said reclining in the chair. "Okay, we'll ask around. I have an odd feeling that wind stone is in the Jade palace." You stated uneasy. "And if it is, we'll do what we always do, we'll fight our way in." Ryan smirked

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