The defeat

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General Khaba smirked, baring his crooked fangs. With the words of Kan Davasi uttered, the middle of the arena rumbled, the small pillar on which the two of you stood, now displayed in the middle of the air of the coliseum. Your friends eyes wide as they looked up to you. "This what you wanted child." "I don't think this is what anyone wants." You muttered. He roared, falling to all 4 charging at you, the spikes on his tail thrashing towards your body. You lunged, the tail hitting your ankle. "Agh." You scurried away. Droplets of blood following you. "Foolish of you to choose to fight without your axe." He grinned. He lunged once again, your arm blocking his claws. "Protector of Kroktopia huh, to me you're just a big cowardly lizard!" You yelled. Your fist colliding with his snout. He lurched back. Shaking his head, his expression only angrier. "You know nothing, your kind has never cared for us or our lands!" His claws caught your fist. Your eyes wide. Spinning with full force he threw you. Trying to catch yourself you slid, your feet over the edge. "You, wizards-" "We are pirates, why do you keep saying wizards?" You asked, dodging his tail once more. "You are all the same, no matter who you are, you invade, you plunder, you worship false idols, these clockworks? They're machines, easily manipulated, and they already hate you just as much wizard." General Khaba hissed, his claws plunging into your neck. You grimaced, his nails dug deep into your flesh.,
Struggling to free yourself, you had no idea what came over your body. ""we...are NOT WIZARDS!" you yelled. You swung your leg it colliding with his chest sending him back. You charged as he struggled to stand. Catching him by surprise, his eyes wide in horror as you collided with him, your arms wrapped around him as your force so powerful the two of you were sent flying over the edge. He continued to fight as you fell. You threw punch after punch. Your knuckles bloody, either yours or his, you couldn't really tell.

Felix's POV
The arena fell silent as the largest crash sounded. Serena's mouth open in shock. Ryan fell to his knees. Moments passed, nothing but silence. Kai ran over, digging through the rubble of the broken ground. Serena and Faith joined him. Your eyes twitched as you noticed the red dirt.
Placing your hand on Ryan's shoulder, helping him stand. The two of you slowly made your way over. Hand flying to your mouth. "What're.. *cough*... you guys staring at?" Josh smirked. "You idiot!" You yelled pushing Kai aside and hugging him. He winced. "Woah, I love you too, but I'm kind of laying on a dead body it's a tad weird." He grumbled. You and Kai helped him to his feet, support his arms over your shoulders. As you all slowly started to leave this cur-sed arena. a trio of kroks met you outside the pyramid. You recognized them instantly. "Pirates."

Serena's POV

"Pirates," they started. "We were unaware of the corruption under the influence of Kane. You have defeated one of our own. But we... we are to write a new subject to the Order of The Fang. But we wish to bestow this to you, as our sincerest apologies." Shalek the Wise stepped forward, in his hand, a folded piece of paper. Kai took it, the 6 of you staring at it. "We did it..." "yeah... I guess we did..." you glanced up, making eye contact with the group, "so.. what do we do now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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