End of the Line it Seems

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"Fair is foul, and foul is fair. I'm sick of all these riddles." Kai said crossing his arms. "You're not the only one, how the hell are we supposed to get out of here." You spoke annoyed."there's a path down here, watch your step." Josh spoke up. You looked down, "that's a far drop." Felix mumbled. You slowly climbed down the ladder. Reaching a new set of rooms. One to your left, one to your right, and one right in front of you. "So... should we-" josh cut off Ryan,"split up...yeah, seems like it huh." He mumbled. "Alright who's going where." Faith asked. "Josh and I will go left." Felix spoke. Josh nodding the two of them heading in that direction. "I guess Ryan and I will go right." Faith spoke up. Kai raised an eyebrow as Ryan shrugged. "Fine with me." "Alright, I guess it's us left Serena." Kai joked. "Woo!" You joked. You waved them off, heading forward to the center path. You had been walking for ages, almost near the base of the pyramid.

Josh's POV
"More cobwebs? Jeez." You said wiping the webs off your jacket. "Well, we are technically in a crypt." Felix mentioned. His staff glowed lighting your path. the soft red glow, made his black hair look sleek. His cheekbones shadowed perfectly in the light. you blushed at your thoughts. Running into his back as he came to a stop. "Oof." "Sorry." "It's okay, you seem distracted." You darted your eyes, "just don't wanna be in someone's resting place." "It's not so bad, sometimes they just wanna talk." You looked up seeing what made Felix stop. A locked door. You rolled your eyes. "Seriously." "It's okay, I think we're smart enough." "You, definitely, me eh." You joked. Felix smiled giving a slight chuckle.

Faith's POV

"I feel as if we've been walking in circles." "I know what you mean. I think we've passed that same painting 4 times." Ryan groaned. You stopped tapping your chin as you thought. "Valley, rub some gun powder on the wall on the right side of the painting." You spoke. He nodded at the good idea. He drew a star. "Alright, let's see." The two of you began walking, 5 minutes later you found yourself right back in front of the painting. Gun powder dusted beside it. "Huh, there has to be more to this than we see." Ryan spoke. "I think you're right." "Wait, faith, look at the painting, those two kroks, they're standing next to an open door."he pointed. Examining the painting two kroks stood, one holding a sphere the others hand on the wall. "Ryan look, she held her shield, it being the perfect shape of the sphere, it fitting right on the painting. Ryan placed his hand where the seconds sat. The painting crumbling, a door appearing.

Kai's POV
It was quiet while the two of you walked down the path. Serena breaking the silence. "I don't want to overstep but are you guys okay?" you sighed climbing down some steep steps. "Ever since we drank that tea, and all our memories came back. We've been distant to each other." She frowned. "I'm sorry." "It's not your fault. We needed the trauma release." You paused hearing something scuttle past you. "Was that a rat?" "I don't think rats are a problem here in Krok." You reassured. Your eyes widened when you heard a hiss from the darkness behind you.
"Wizards shouldn't be trespassing on royal tombs." The voice hissed in the dark. Kai pulled his two daggers ready to pounce. "Reveal yourself!" Kai yelled. You held your hand on the holster of your blade. "You Demand Me? In my Sanctum?!" The voice boomed. the brazers that were once black coals burst into flames. "Welcome to the Arena, wizards." A Massive 7ft tall Krok stood meters in front of you. he slowly started to walk forward. You began to pull out your blade. "Ah, Ah, Ah." He chuckled before scales claws grabbed your arms. You and Kai were held in place by Kroks in armor. "I am the great General Khaba. We have guarded the ancient royal families for years." "Please, we didn't come to fight." Kai spoke annoyed. "That's no way to enter the Arena. Who are you." "First of all." He wriggled trying to break free. "Keep trying, my commanders have trained their strength for years." He chuckled. Their grip became stronger. "Take them to the arena pit, we'll see how they play against the other intruders." General Khaba jumped scaling the pillars down a few floors. The two look goons, shoved you, proceeding the two of you to walk forward.
"Great... " "you're telling me." You sighed. Kai scoffed, "wizards? Pft do we look like wizards?" He teased. "Apparently so, I did think that was quite odd." You stopped as the solid rock doors, crumbled revealing a battle arena. You groaned. "Here we go again." You complained. Your eyes widened as an arena of hundreds of Kroks surrounded you, they sat in the stands yelling. You walked. Ways taking in the arena, before being locked in a side room. "Wait till you're announced." The Krok deeply hissed at you before they left.

Felix's POV
You sat in the cell, josh pacing back and forth. "We've been in here forever, and there are runes on the door. My magic is useless in here." You groaned. "Bro, this is fucking ridiculous." josh said frustrated. "It's okay Josh, we'll get out of here soon enough." He turned to face you. "Felix, does this ever tire you? I mean come on, everyplace we've gone, it hasn't been easy." "Yeah but think of what we're doing it for." He sighed sitting next to you on the dirt floor. "I mean think about it, my brother hid the map piece, he wanted their to be some sign, and i watched him give it to the armada, maybe he got away and it was an illusion." You tried to convince him of the positives. "But what if, he's not Felix." You frowned. "El dorado is a different reality, so maybe they just didn't make it back to this reality. There are worlds out there beyond our understanding." Josh offered you a small smile. "Maybe, I'll hold onto hope for just a bit longer." He spoke lowly. Your eyes widened as a voice boomed and the crowd roared.

Kai's POV
"People of Krok, are you ready to judge these warriors!" The voice of General Khaba boomed into the crowd. the iron bars slowly started to rise. "I guess it's show time." Serena sighed. The crowd booed as the two of you walked out. "Our newest contenders, the THIEVES!!" He boomed. "Thieves? Why I outta." Serena cut you off, "Kai look!" she harshly whispered. Your followed to where she pointed. Josh and Felix sat in a cell behind bars just like you had. Their eyes wide at seeing the two of you. "How'd they get trapped?" "I'm not sure Kai, maybe go ask?" She snarkily retorted. "Calm yourself woman." "Oh I know you didn't jus-" "WARRIORS, TAKE YOUR STANCES, as you battle The MIDAS THE UNDEAD. MINOTAUR OF THE UNDERWORLD." The crowd cheered. The Minotaur beat his chest as smoke blew from his nose. Your eyes wide. "I hope you're ready." You teased. "As I'll ever be." She smirked. the Minotaur charged. you flipped over his head, catching your blade in his head. The Minotaur roared, becoming enraged. The crows loudly cheered. General Khaba watching, arms crossed from the top. "That should've knocked him down!" She yelled. "I know!" You rolled past him as he slashed his axe. Serena slid under his legs, slicing his knees. He roared once more, doubling in size. Her eyes wide in fear. "Look! His amulet! Those are aquilian runes!" You yelled. She turned to look but the Minotaur had already charged, swinging and knocking her into the stonewall of the arena. The crowd cheered. Everyone chanting  Minotaur Minotaur Minotaur! She groaned struggling to her feet. Your anger grew, charging towards him, his back turned to you. You jumped on his back, choking him with his axe. he Howled and roared shaking and bucking to throw you off. You were finally able to latch on to the amulet, before he threw you back across the arena, you rolled, slamming into the weapon rack. The crowd stood and boomed their voices. Serena now to her feet, pulled out her knives, throwing them, lodging them into the Minotaurs eyes. He roared falling to his hands and knees.Everyone cheered, some booing. "Surprisingly, the THIEVES ARE THE WINNERS OF MATCH ONE." Gheneral Khaba boomed. A cannon shot, the loud boom hurting your ears. "Jeez.." you complained. Serena made her way to you. "You okay? That was a long tumble?" she chuckled. You dusted yourself off, "these are symbols enchanted in Aquila." You spoke. "I wonder how long he's been trapped here in Kroktopia." She sighed. The crowd settled as General Khaba rose to speak again. "Now, the match you've made your bets, The Wizards vs the Thieves." The crowd cheered and clapped. The iron bars rose, Josh and Felix stepped out into the light of the arena. Your face became pale, "please, no." Serena whispered.

Josh's POV

a frown formed once you stepped out from behind the iron bars. There laid the body of a Minotaur, and on the other side, Serena and Kai. "Josh.." Felix began. THE WIZARDS VS THE THIEVES, ROUND 4 of the tournament! The General yelled. "FIGHTERS TAKE YOUR PLACES." Serena stood, blade loosely in her hand, a deep cut on her arm. Kai beside her, daggers ready, clothes and face muddy. "Good gods..." Felix sighed. The cannon boomed. The 4 of you not moving. the crowd booed, some throwing rocks at you 4. You ram dodging them. "Fine, maybe our players need some encouragement!" General Khaba boomed laughing. A 3rd set of irons bars lifted, and 20 clockworks March out, rifles aimed at your heads. Eyes wide, you looked to your two friends. They had already taken their battle stances. Felix's staff raised. "It's always a fight." You whispered, shield raised as you began to charge.

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