Kan Davasi

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Serena's POV
You could feel the panic radiate off of Kai. The clockworks rifles point right at Felix and Josh. "CHAMPIONS, CONTINUE YOUR FIGHT, BLOOD WILL BE SHOWN." General  Khaba yelled, laughing. The crowd roared. "They want a show.... Let's give them a show." Kai mumbled, his stare intense. He pulled his blades, charging at Josh. "KAI, WHAT THE FU-" Josh yelled, barely dodging Kai's attack. Your eyes wide confused, as you noticed Kai's blades nowhere physically near Josh, you caught on quickly Doing the same charging towards Felix. You hurtled your daggers, one landing beside his foot. "Serena, What's gotten into you!" He yelled, casting a shield. Knocking him on the ground, barely placing his staff under his chin, no harsh pressure. "Go with it, Kai's got a plan. We just have to keep their attention." Felix's eyes wide, slightly nodding.

Josh's POV
"Kai, SERIOUSLY. Stop!" You yelled. His blades collided with your axe. "Josh, I have a plan." You aggressively whispered. "To kill us? Because I honestly-" you dodged his lunge, he ended up knocking you on the ground. You struggled to get up. "Look, those clocksworks, we lead them back to the cage. Then we go after Khaba." You jumped over his swing Knocking him down. "Like a pet to a cage? How do we do that?" You whispered in a yell, irritated. You ran away, now standing opposite of the clockworks once more. You noticed 2 figures in the stands. Faith and Ryan watching in horror. You made eye contact with Ryan. His eyes grew wide, you nudged your head to the group of clockworks. He nodded. You dashed your way back over where Felix stood pretending to fight off Kai and Serena. You tumbled knocking Serena down. "Ow.." she groaned. "Ryan's bout to blow this popsicle stand, I advise we stand back." You whispered. She scrambled to her feet. "Kai!" She yelled. He jerked his head seeing as Ryan had snuck his way to front row, dropping several bombs. "HIT THE GROUND." You yelled. *BOOM, BOOM ... BOOM*
The noise was insanely loud. Grabbing your axe pulling yourself to your feet. The armada twitched most of them had landed inside the gate. "NOW!" Kai yelled. Felix blasted, the rope singed. The iron bars falling fast trapping the armada. "FOOLS!" General Khaba yelled. The stadium fell silent. He had a pounced, roaring at you 4. Faith had propelled herself. Ryan and her joining you 4. You had him surrounded. "THIS IS MY ARENA." He gnarled. He charged, you jumped dodging his tail. Ryan not being so lucky. He was whipped into Felix knocking them both over. You lunged, your axe colliding with his Staff. "Wizard, your tricks are no use here anymore." He growled. Knocking your axe out of your hands. Serena had slid under, kicking out his feet. He stumbled grabbing the hem of her shirt. He dangled her in the air. Faith pounced, him catching her by her foot. He held the two girls. They struggled. "Let them go!" He laughed evily. "We aren't wizards! Alhazrad sent us!" Kai yelled. "You're a guardian! Yet you kill people!" Ryan said his rifle raised. He tightened his claws around Faith's ankle. "Stop!" Kai yelled, he lunged only for Gheneral Khaba to hurl faith into him. "Alhazrad? That fool! We're stuck down here, while he's up there playing teacher!" He hissed. Serena had freed her hand, jabbing a dagger into his side. He howled, throwing her to the ground. Felix had stumbled helping her up. "Give us the map, or else." "Or Else what Wizard?" His grin so wicked as he stepped towards you. "KAN DAVASI." You yelled. His eyes wide, his grin wide, barring his fangs. His chuckle boomed. "Josh no.." Faith whispered. "KAN DAVASI, challenged by me. No one else." you stated. You pulled your axe, tossing it to the ground. "Josh you can't do this man." Ryan said placing a hand on your shoulder. You looked down, "if mom could be brave enough to do it, so can I." You spoke. The 5 of your friends backed up, the arena silent. General Khaba threw down his staff. Beating on his chest he grinned. "Come and get me Kroky ." You said taking your stance.

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