The Swashbuckler

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Kai's POV
You've only ever used the thorn stitch once, and that was to put Old Scratch's arm back on, not on a living person. "It's okay, we're all here, you know what you're doing." Felix gently encouraged. You pulled the seeds out of her bag. Closing your eyes, you placed the see on the open wound. Faith winced at the sound. you hovered your hand, whispering the enchant, as you weaves the vines and thorns closing the wound. You let out a giant breath you didn't know you were holding. Faith opened her satchel, pouring a yum potion into her mouth. Serena's mouth twitched. "her heart is beating steady." Faith spoke feeling her pulse. "Good job Kai, that was really incredible." Felix smiled slapping your back. You gently smiled. "It's not preferred, one wrong move and the vines get into the veins and bloodstream growing into their heart." You sighed. "Phew, good thing you didn't say that before you did it." Josh joked. Ryan chuckled. You helped him carry her to her panther. She howled looking at her owners body. "It's okay girl, she's okay." Felix said petting her.

Josh's POV
You held out your hand as Joseph groaned. "What in the bloody sails happened?" He moaned looking at his bloody axe. "You my friend," you helped him up as Faith checked on Faye and Lynne. "Were brainwashed, and unfortunately hurt a lot of people." You continued. Jonathan moaned rubbing his heading joining the two of you. "Dude... we went on this field trip to find this book, but the last thing I remember is this guy inviting us over for dinner." He picked up his knife. "hey, where's my other knife." You frowned, he made a soft confused expression. "Please don't tell me I -" "She's okay, but I'd probably clean the blood off first" you spoke showing no emotion. He sighed walking to the other side of the room picking it up off the floor. "We're so sorry," Benjamin Wright cried. "You were being controlled, it's not your fault." Faith spoke placing a hand on his shoulder. "He had us for a moment, but I'm glad we had Monkey to watch our backs." You gently smiled. "My name is not Monkey, it's-" "Monkey King. We get it " you smirked crossing your arms. He rolled his eyes. "Anywho, best we see your friend gets proper care. By the way... where is Egg Foo." Monkey King asked. "Uh, he was being taken into another room by these pigs." Lynne spoke up. "Uh, pigs? What were they wearing." Faith asked. "I swear." You started to laugh. "All black and a tie around their heads." "Ninja pigs, always ninja pigs." Monkey King shook his head. "Well I guess I know where we're going next." He continued. "Going next? No no no, that Manchu Moo guy just tried to kill all of us. And he's gone and we need to find him before he does this to others." You spoke with anger. "Pirate... understand that vengeance is not always the way." "Oh that's rich coming from you." You spat walking away slamming the door behind you.

Felix's POV
you turned your head hearing a door slam. "Josh-" you were cut off by him pushing past you whistling for his blue panther jonsey. "Josh!" You said, grabbing his arm. "What?" He snarled. You furrowed your brow. "What hit you in the ass? stop being a douche and talk to me." You sternly said. He yanked his arm, crossing them. "Monkey business doesn't want to go after Manchu. I kindly disagree." He spat. "Kindly doesn't seem the right answer." you said frowning. "Josh... look what just happened, maybe we take it easy." You gently said. "So you're taking his side." "Josh it's not like that, and you know that, you're just angry." "Oh bright idea Witchy" he rolled his eyes. "Oh piss off." You said going back to Ryan and Kai. Faith was helping load the other students onto the ship. You sighed pulling out the map. Kai and Ryan raised the anchor once everyone was on board. "You okay?" Faith asked walking over. "Josh is just taking out his anger on people." You mumbled, pointing your compass on the right course. "You know how he is, don't take it personal. He'll come around when he realizes we're all okay." She spoke. You smiled and she smiled back patting your arm.

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