The Legendary Swashbuckler

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Kai's POV
You felt dizzy, the memory that filled your mind made you ill. You held your head in your hand as the flashback began.

"Lieutenant, glad you and your family could make it to this urgent meeting of diplomacy." The emperor of Mooshu stated. "Always a pleasure." You stood behind your mother, your sister holding your hand. You father and mother stood tall. A Valencian diplomat stood with a clockwork behind him. "Now, Lieutenant, we will commence with the transferof the map piece." Emperor said. He unlocked a silver chest. Your eyes widened in awe. You were staring at a piece of Marco Pollos map. "We know we've kept it for you for a few years, but we have been told this is of urgent business". You looked at your parents. Your mother stood with her hands behind her back. You glanced at your father. He was intensely sweating, his hand on the holster of his gun. You frowned at how nervous he looked. *Boom* the wall the Emperor and his guards stood next to exploded sending them flying across the room. Your sister screamed as Rooke and Armada troops entered. They aimed their guns. "Rooke! You should be dead!" Your mother yelled moving you and your sister behind her, she held her blades in defense. "Legends never die." He smirked. "How'd you know we were here." She yelled , stepping back moving us with her. "Kellin, get the kids." She yelled. Your dad didn't move. "Kellin what the hell! Get them out of here!" She cried. The armadas raising their guns. Rooke chuckled. "Seems someone's not as loyal as they thought, you know what they say, never trust a swashbuckler." Rooke grinned as the armada fired shots killing 3 other diplomats. You and your sister screamed. your mother shielding you with her body. "Now, finish them and bring me the map." Rooke boldly stated. your dad frowned, stepping closer. Tears poured down your mothers face. she turned to the two of you. She hugged you tucking something into your back pants pocket. You cried as she kissed you. "I love you my little rogue." She then kissed your sister. Turning back around standing and wiping her tears. Your Father had tears in his eyes, he held his pistol at your mom. "Kellin.. How could you." She said. "Darling, I, I—" "I tire of these games." Rooke boomed aiming and firing a shot. You closed your eyes wincing at the sound. The grip your sister had on your hand loosened. You screamed watching her lifeless body fall to the floor. Your mother howled. She plunged the sword into your fathers chest. Charging at Rooke. The surrounding clockworks opened fire. Bullets decorating her body. "Run." She whispered as she fell lifeless. You panicked, scattering towards the stairs. "Get the boy." You heard as you ran. A few clockworks chased you as you slid under furniture, climbing out a window. You saw a caravan down the way. You sprinted climbing into the back. You hid under a blanket. Feeling the cart begin to move a moment later. you peeped your head out to see you were going down the road. The clockworks stood watching as you left. A time later you arrived to a nearby village. The cart haulted. You heard someone whistle as they removed the blanket. "What the!" They gasped. "Please don't hurt me." You shielded yourself. The man frowned. "I'm not going to hurt you little one, where are your parents?" He asked. Tears filled your eyes the figure glancing noticing the blood on your clothes. His eyes widened. "Here come with me." He gently picked you up holding you on his hip. You sniffled as he walked into a cottage locking the door behind him. "Wan, why are you getting back so late-" a lady stopped talking as she noticed you. "Oh we have a visitor?" She cooed. You snuggled wiping your tears. "Wan Mo you go get this little precious some clean clothes. Are you hungry?" She cooed picking you up. You nodded. "Traitor." You whispered as she carried you to the kitchen. "What sweetie pie?" "Traitor you mumbled fidgeting with your fingers. "Oh honey." She hugged you tight.
The flashback ended, you leaned over hurling under the table. "Troublesome past?" One monk whispered helping clean the mess. You sighed wiping a tear that escaped your eyes.

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