Pyramid of Fire

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Serena's POV
you and your friends had been searching the library for ages. "Guys, we're not getting anywhere." Kai groaned. "We have a few more isles to look over." Faith reminded him. You rolled your eyes standing up and walking away from the stack of books. You walked over to the librarian. "Oh hello traveler, what can Zander the Mander, help you with." He grinned as his right eye blink. "Ew." You mumbled under your breath. You cleared your throat. "Hi, I was wondering... do you have any books on Marco Pollo?" You questioned. He blinked his eyes at separate times. You laughed uneasy waiting for a response. "Yes, allow me to show you." You turned to the group, no one had paid attention. You followed Zander. Of course it's in the isle you haven't check at the end of the hall. "Here, enjoy your research." He smiled, scampering away. Could we go one day with out weird creatures interacting with us.
You went back to the table sitting next to Josh. "Hey, look at this." You spoke after a few minutes. Josh leaned over. "Is Mom?" He gasped. The photo was of a younger lady, Marco Pollo, Argos, and Alhazrad, all posing for the old photograph. Josh gave a soft smile, beginning to rip the page out of the book. "What're you doing?" Felix whispered harshly. "You're destroying preserved history!" He facepalmed. "Relax, I'll use it more than anyone that's ever read it." He grinned. he held it up, examine the picture once more. The light shown through causing you to take a second look. You snatched the ripped page out of his hands. "Hey.." he complained. You held it into the sky light. "Is that.." Felix gasped causing Ryan and faith to look up. Kai wandered behind you. His eyes widening as he began to laugh. "You have got to be kidding me." He chuckled. "Did you just find the 6th map piece on accident." Faith grinned. "Seems that way." Felix said in shock. You pointed at a spot. "They're standing in a pyramid" you stated. "But which one? There's at least 5 here in the oasis." Kai mentioned. Felix leaned closer examine the picture. "That's the pyramid of fire." He exclaimed. Josh patted him on the back, "at least you learned something while in class." He grinned causing Felix to blush. "You mentioned this was Alhazrad. Do you think he's, ya know?" Josh asked. You made a face, "do I think he's dead? I mean I hope he isn't." You laughed. "It also looks like a tomb, seems we're going deeper into the pyramid than we thought." Faith mumbled. "Great job crew, it only took us 2 hours." Ryan smirked. "Ha ha, did you help? Didn't think so." You teased closing the book taking it back to its spot.

You stepped outside the library, the dust hitting your face. "Follow me." Felix spoke. You walked to an archway nothing beyond it. "Uh, am I missing something?" Kai asked awkwardly scratching his neck. Felix rolled his eyes raising his staff whispering an enchant. You silently waited. "Maybe you're experiencing a mirage." Josh offered. As soon as he ended his sentence, storm clouds formed, a entrance way appearing. "This is the portal to the other island, let's go." Felix motioned stepping into the krok shaped doorway. You shrugged your shoulders and followed him in. Faith and Kai right behind you. "Do we ever question anything." Ryan groaned. "Apparently not." Josh laughed

You landed with a thud, landing in the sand. You struggled to stand dusting on your hands. "Could've mention it was on open sand not a landing pad." You complained. Felix rolled his eyes. "So, now what? We just sat Abracadabra, and the door opens?" "Oh we're not going in that pyramid." Felix spoke walking near a giant palm tree. You and faith gave each other confused looks. "Then what are we doing here." Ryan spoke up. Felix pushed a rock, climbing down a ladder he found. "He's just going in there, how did he find that." Josh asked in shock. "Yeah, uh, ladies first." Ryan offered. Faith rolled her eyes as you shoved him. You climbed in faith following you. "Is this, a classroom?" Kai asked in awe. "Ahhh," a shakey old Krok said. "I've been waiting for you pirates." He continued. His snout curled in a smile. He supported himself on a cane, not doing much justice. "Alhazrad, these are my friends." Felix stated pointing at you lot. "You know this guy?" Kai asked. "Yeah, who do you think I learned from." Felix grinned. "Why would I be surprised? Does anything make sense anymore." Ryan said throwing his hands up. "Calm down, Nice to meet you Mr. Alhazrad." Josh spoke extending his hand. The old krok stood in his place. Felix whispering in Josh's ear, "he's blind."   Color immediately rose to Josh's cheeks, getting a laugh out of all of you.

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