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Ryan's POV

You followed your friends into the pyramid, the door sliding closed behind you. "Why does this look like the cave we found Zodak in?" You asked, running your hand against the wall. "Kroks are descended from the Aztecs, tho the case of Zodaks runes, is a mystery." Felix spoke up. Josh and you held torches, scorpions crawling all over the tomb. "Yikes, when was the last time anyone was down here." Faith grimaced, at all the spider webs. "Definitely, at least over 10 years." Kai joked. You all laughed when you heard a noise. "Oh heck no." Josh said going to the front of the group. You and Felix laughed. "What buccaneers not brave enough." "Say that again when we're not sealed in someone else tomb." "Fair." You replied. you found your way to a door, a parchment with hieroglyphs was next to the door. "Felix, do your thing." Serena spoke. Felix noded reading the text. "Only storm will light the way." "Storm?" "What does that even mean." You groaned. L"guys! Look!" Faith yelled. You walked over to her and Serena. "The blazers change." Serena said excited. "Everyone stand next to a brazer, change it to storm on." Kai boldly stated. you all stood next to your braziers. your turning from frozen ice, to a heated fire, and finally to crackling lightning. you stepped back as the others finished. The door rumbled as dust spattered, the tomb opening. Felix and Faith poked their heads into the dark. Serena made a face with her arms crossed. "Yeah I'm not going first." You spoke. "Agreed." She nodded. The two of you glanced at each other, laughing. "Okay, we're pussies, let's go." she laughed walking behind Kai. You shot a bullet, the spark of your gun lighting the dark. A pair of yellow eyes flashed at you. "Oh heck no, nope." Josh said moving behind Felix. you shot again, the eyes closer this time. A shiver ran down your spine. Kai relit his torch. A banshee lunging Faith. Faith screamed as the banshee zoomed past her knocking her into Kai. He caught her pulling them behind the pillar.  "FAIR IS FOUL AND FOUL IS FAIR, TRY TO TAKE THIS FANG IF YOU SO DARE!" She yelled. She screeched causing you and Serena to cover your ears wincing in pain. You shot a few rounds, the bullets going right through her body. She grinned, her shackles hanging off her arms. "Fang? What fang is she talking about!" Kai yelled. the banshee swarmed around josh and Felix. Felix raised his staff, creating an energy shield around them. "How do you trap a banshee!" Josh yelled. "I'm not sure, the lesson didn't come up over the summer!" Felix yelled back annoyed. The banshee let out another scream, the sound so piercings, you felt dizzy, you slumped over grabbing your head as Serena Supported you. "Man down!" She yelled. Kai glanced over running to you.

Felix's POV
You focused all your energy into the shield you projected. "Faith! My satchel! Has my text book! Find the banshee section!" You yelled. "Our fear only feeds her power!" Kai yelled. He and faith hid behind the decor. Faith scrambled to your bag that laid across the room. She quickly flipped through the pages. "Gold! Stab her with gold!" She yelled. Josh's eyes widened as he pulled a gold coin from his pocket, throwing it bailing her in the eye. Her face sizzled as she screamed. "Do that again! Pelt her with your doubloons!" You yelled. Serena pulled out her bag, throwing several coins making the banshee fall. You glanced noticing her shackles. "Josh! When I let the shield down, place the gold on her chains!" You said. "Great idea man!" He smiled. You grinned, letting the shield down. the two of your sprinting sprinkling her chains, and entrapping her in a circle of gold. She screamed falling to her knees. Closing her eyes almost in hibernation. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You heard a groan as Faith and Serena helped Ryan to his feet. "I say that went rather well." Kai smiled placing his hands on his hips. Serena rolled her eyes. Ryan rubbed his head, "let's find this key and move on, we have two fuckers left to find." "Language." You said crossing your arms. "Whatever." Ryan said smiling. "By the way, what fang was she going on about?" Faith asked. "I'm not sure, but maybe we should find out." You said.

Pirates; Road to El Dorado Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora