The Musketeer

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"Okay, I'm not doing that. They look like they're in pain." Josh said crossing his arms. You glanced at the cup. "Yeah, I'm not all into emotions either." You said pushing the cup away. "The ceremony has already begun, it was set for 5 and 5 must drink." The goat monk spoke. "He's right pirate. It will be fast bottoms up." Monkey King stated smirking. You rolled your eyes sipping the tea. You closed your eyes. A suppressed memory coming forward.

"Where's the map piece?" You heard a deep voice yell. You cowered behind the pillar watching as your Dad raised his rifle and your mom reached for her sword. "We don't have it." You heard her yell back. "I know it's here Ryan." You peeped your head. A clockwork jerked its head pointing. Deacon turned making eye contact with you. "Get the boy." He stated. "No!" Your mom yelled lunging her sword into deacons chest. "Ah" he yelled. The surrounding armada opened fire, you gasped as you watched your mom fall to the floor. "AMANDA." You heard your father cry. Several clockworks heads were cut off, a masked figure landing in the middle of a group. "Heads up old friend!" The masked figure yelled tossing a sword to your dad. "El Toro! Save Valkoor!" Your dad yelled lunging at the armadas. Tears rolled down your eyes. "MAMA." You yelled. Jumping over the stairs running to her body. You were snatched up, "shh, little valley. Uncle Don has you." He cooed. "Ahhh!" You heard. You peeked over the figures shoulder as you swung from the sails. Your dad had a sword in his chest, Deacons foot on his chest. "Patrick! NOOO!" El Toro cried. Deacon stared as you landed on a separate ship. A lady horse dressed in a closely purple gown, sped off.
"Aren't you the cutest thing." The lady cooed holding a baby on her hip. You pouted your lip as you began to cry. "Oh little valley, your dad told me to take good care of you. And we will keep this promise." El Toro gleamed. "I'm momma Sally, and this is Diego." She cooed making the baby giggle. You snuggled standing up, walking over. The baby stared right back at you. "Hi Diego." You whispered, he grabbed your finger giggling. "I'm Valley." You sniffed wiping your tears. You managed a small laugh. "Awe he loves you." El Toro cooed.
5 years later.
You sat with your mask, twirling it in your hands. You felt a presence join you on the bench. "Hey pops." You spoke. "Ah, I guess I'm not so stealthy anymore am I." El toro joked. You gave a small smile, your eyes returning to the ground. "Listen son, I Know this is your home, but we've been thinking..." you glanced up at him. "What if you were able to learn more and study from people of your kind?" He asked. "What a horse and a bull can't raise a human." You chuckled. He smiled. "I'd love that pops, I want to see the skyways, I want to sail, and be a sharpshooter, just like dad.." you trailed off. He patted your knee. "Patrick was the best there was, and you take after him in many ways. I have no doubt in my mind you'll do great." He smiled softly.

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