84: Pyromania

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A/N: Refresher on who Pyro is, since most of you might not remember


It was a bit chilly today when you left Ramshackle, so you made sure to wear your red hoodie, you know, the one stereotypical Mexicans wear when they're in a cartoon. You left Tinkerbell, Grim, and even Venus behind when you told them you were going to visit the Ignihyde dormitory.

Tinkerbell wanted to desperately go with you, but you told him it was unnecessary, and that you didn't need an escort. In fact, you were getting a little socially tired and just wanted to be to yourself for a little bit.

He took it pretty well, just smiling ear to ear while telling you that it's okay to just not want to hang out with people, and you were allowed time to yourself.

Sweet boy.

"Can I at least ask why you're going there?" Your fairy had asked before you left.

"I found something yesterday at Evalin's house that I want inspected. I don't have the resources, and considering how incompetent the police are, I don't trust them to actually do anything with it, either."

Tinkerbell widened his eyes, "You took evidence from the scene?!"

"....So anyway," You shrugged your shoulders, "I want to see one of the Shroud brothers and ask if they know what to do with it. I've heard they're, like, the tech nerds of Night Raven, so maybe I'll have some luck there."

The dorm... was fucking horrifying!!


It took a while to even find a normal fucking entrance to get inside the entry hallways. And once you got inside, you were taken about about how blue the entire fucking place was. What you didn't expect, were all the students stopping and staring at you like deers caught in some headlights. You tried to approach someone to ask where Idia or Ortho were, but the moment you looked at them, they ran!

You didn't think you were that unapproachable! What the hell is this bullshit?

Geez, you shove one head up an ass and society–SOCIETY-

"What are you doing here? Trying to scare away my dorm mates?"

You direct your attention to the voice next to you, smiling in relief and recognition.

"Hey! You're Kaiko's friend! Um... Uh..." You snap your fingers, "Don't tell me, I know it, I know it."

The boy with bright red curly hair raises a brow and puts his hands on his hips. He's wearing a red hoodie that was unzipped, a bright blue vest was showing underneath it. It was a bit eyestraining, the colors clashed and did not compliment each other well.

"I don't expect you to remember. You're quite popular so it's un-"

"-IT'S PYRO!! HA!! YOU FUCKER!!" You grin in triumph, "Thought you would catch me slippin', huh? Think again, bitch!"

"Riiiight... Well, I was hoping you'd forget so I'd feel less bad about forgetting yours," Pyro looked as though he was smiling, but see it's just because his lips are naturally up-turned. "Kaiko had mentioned you a handful of times, but if I'm honest, I never bothered to remember."

Oh rip.

"That's okay," You hold your hand out, "You can call me [Y/n]. Kaiko's friends are my friends!"

"You still haven't told him to fuck off after all this time?" Pyro shakes your hand, giving you a full view of his horribly scarred hands.

"Why would I? He's so nice and he's pretty funny sometimes... Not on purpose, though," You snicker, "So, how long have you known Kaiko? You guys best friends?"

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