killer whale attack

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   Suddenly, Maya comes up with an idea of how to survive in this situation.

   "H-hey there! I-if I give you the fish, you are not going to eat us, right?"

   Hearing this, Ron can't stop laughing, I'm going to eat you? Not a chance.

   I would better starve to death rather than eat you.

   But Ron still wanted to eat the fish, so Ron just played along.

   Ron nods his head. Maya is still scared, and finally believes that she is not going to get eaten.

   "Alright, we made a deal, we will give you the fish, and you won't eat us. Deal?"

   Maya then picks up a bucket and puts the fish in it, then she asks if Ron can get any close.

   Ron is getting closer to the side of the ship, Maya is once again terrified when she sees Ron's huge body from a close distance.

   Ron opens his mouth, and Maya pours a bucket full of fish into Ron's mouth.

   "Hold up, wait a minute, something ain't right. Did you just make a deal with him? How is that even possible!?"

   "Congrats Maya, you did it, you are not going to eat alive."

   "Yeah don't die like that, I want to see the ocean."

   "This is the first time I saw someone just made a deal with an animal."

   Maya, with her bucket with the help of the captain, keeps pouring the fish into Ron's mouth.

   Again and again, until all the fish on the ship were eaten by Ron.

   Both Maya and the captain were grasping heavily, both of them had to bring a bucket of fish and dump it in  Ron's mouth back and forth. It is really heavy.

   Ron wanted to show his gratitude by playing with her.

   Then Ron splashed water on Maya, making her clothes wet.

   "Ah! Stop that you are going to make my camera break, this is the only one I have."

   Maya tries to protect her camera with her body, so it does not get splashed by Ron.

   "Protect the camera. I still want to see the ocean"

   "Dude up there, you still want to see the ocean? Go to the nearest beach"

   "Hahaha host got splashed by him"

   "This whale is really cheerful. I already love him."

   All the tension that happened a while ago has suddenly gone, like it's never happened before.

   "You there don't be rude and splash someone like that, anyway my name is Maya, nice to meet you, Mr whale? I guess"

   "Hey stop that hahaha, stop it"

   Just as Ron plays with Maya, Ron suddenly detects something not far from Ron.

   There three orcas were hunting some prey to eat, and what they saw first was a whale-like creature.

   It is normal for them to mistake Ron as a normal whale. They think that Ron is just like a normal humpback whale.

   The humpback whale's natural predator is the orca, so it's common to think that they not only hunt humpback whales.

   But also all kinds of whale. And kyogre is also a slightly different whale.

   But they also like humpback whales, so they mistake Ron as a normal whale that is wandering alone in the ocean.

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