intelligence bureau

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   "Is that sound coming from you?"


   Manaphy nodded her head and smiled.

   "So this is the reason why the whale brought her to us. He wants us to feed her"

   "But professor, what does she eat? We can't just give it random food, it might be poisonous for her to"

   "Your right, but that is why we are here. We do research and can find her something to eat. Come on, follow me."

   Everyone followed Professor Louis inside the ship's kitchen. The professor had already told the chef that they would use the kitchen for a while.

   "First we start with the most basic. Raw meat, fish, fruit, vegetables and others."

   Professor Louis put the item he had told showed and showed it to manaphy. Manaphy, who was hungry, picked an apple and ate it.

   Manaphy was still hungry and wanted to eat again. She then took a look at the food prepared by professor Louis. She just took a look and didn't even touch it.

   "That was fast. I didn't expect her to be this hungry, but it seemed that she didn't eat other types of food and only picked the apple. We need more food samples. Help me get more food"

   While professor Louis and his assistant, Lance, are busy looking for something for Manaphy to eat, Manaphyy walks towards Maya.

   Maya noticed and grabbed her.

   "Aww, this cute little fella is still hungry, huh? What are you pointing at? Oh you want to eat?"

   Manaphy nodded her head.

   "Hahaha, how can I say no? Of course I will give it to you"

   Professor Louis then notices that Manaphy is not with him anymore. He begins to panic and looks around and finds Manaphy eating with Maya.

   He was then relieved and began walking toward Maya.

   "Well, there seems nothing wrong with her, but it is still too dangerous. I need to check her condition after this"

   "After you say that you found her to eat anything?”

   "Mana~ Mana~ Mana~"

   "Looks like she is still hungry. Could I cook for her?"

   "The answer is no, let lance do the cooking right lance!!"

   "Sigh. Since when did I become a chef? Fine, I'm going to show you my cooking skills."

   While waiting for Lance to finish cooking, Professor Louis and Maya sat down. Professor Louis seemed to be thinking about something. Maya then notices her uncle's behavior and asks him.

   "What are you thinking about?"

   "Ah sorry, its just... I don't know, I have a feeling that the world is getting stranger. I don't know why, but I have a feeling about"

   "You need to rest, you worked hard in the last few days, you don't have to worry about anything, and hey, our food is here!"

   "Let me describe to you how I make this food. This food is meat i put inside bread with a little bit of mayo and ketchup with fresh vegetables, or you can call it a sandwich"

   "When I heard your description, it made me hungry, but the last sentence made me disappointed"

   "I ate this all day before going aboard with you in here, and you say make you anything and yes I make you something"

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