big whale appear

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   At this time, under the sea not far from the ship, Ron was eating nearby fish.

   Ron has nothing to do except eating and swimming, he been wait for the system to update the mission.

   Ron Don't know how long it take to update it, and can only wait it, and he been careful watch the people on the ship.

   Ron found out that they here not just for fame, but research on him!

   He don't why they research him, but I think kyogre is a new creature to them.

   And he doesn't mind it anyway, he need them to do the mission, so why not let them know you more.

   They gonna know that I'm A god of ocean!

   Thinking this, Ron even more love kyogre.

   And at this time, the underwater instrument on the ship were also repaired.

   It is approaching in the direction of Ron

   The picture of the bottom of the sea is in front of everyone’s eyes.

   The audience in the live broadcast room cheered.

   "Yay, it’s my favorite big whale!"

   "its was everybody favorite whale, who doesn't like it"

   "My neighbor did"

   "Go tell them we don't care lmao"

   "Lol nice"

   "Look he waving at us! I'm gonna wave back at him"

   "Wait what that! I see another big whale appearing!"

   There is no need to be reminded by the audience in the live broadcast room, as Professor Louis, who has been staring at the monitor, he has long discovered the existence of the second whale underwater.

   It was a behemoth nearly twenty meters old, with a huge, black and white head, and a long curve of the slit on its lips, like a bow.

   Professor Louis said in a deep voice, "This is a bowhead whale!"

   "Looks like we’ve just entered his territory"

   "When these two guys meet, I’m afraid there will be a conflict"

   Ron who just waving at the underwater robot has also discover this bahemot.

   But in terms of body size, the whale he found was twice the size of him, even though it was much bigger than Ron.

   this doesn't make Ron scared, he was looking the whale like a test subject to try his new skill.

   The ship on the sea, not only the audience watching the live broadcast, appeared excited and nervous, but also countless scientific research staff.

   Professor Louis, who was staring at the screen, explained as he watched.

   "Bowhead whales swim slowly among cetaceans, and unlike other whales that form groups in groups, bowhead whales often roam alone"

   "But it will go with narwhal and beluga whales"

   "The basic branch is near the Arctic Circle and basically does not appear in the Pacific Ocean, so our research data on bowhead whales is extremely rare!"

   "The blubber of bowhead whales is 43~50 cm thick, which is thicker than any other animal"

   "The skull is large and thick, and it is used to hit the ice surface from under the water to breathe!"

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