Chapter 39

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Chapter 39: Not Like Other Girls

Bellatrix shot Rodolphus a grateful look when he said he planned to go shopping with them. Not because she felt the need for protection due to the situation with Delphini, but because she'd always hated clothes shopping. She enjoyed nice clothes, but she could select those in five minutes. Spending longer in a dress shop made her want to scream with boredom. There were only so many dresses one could examine before it quickly became redundant, especially for Bellatrix, whose preferences were narrowed to shades of green and black.

How some women spent hours painstakingly examining dress after dress had always been beyond her understanding. Narcissa was one of those women. Bellatrix's first explorations of Knockturn Alley as a girl were during those times Cissy took far too long shopping for clothes, leaving bored Bella to wander and explore on her own. She had no idea if Lyra's own shopping tendencies reflected hers or those of her sister, but in case it was the latter, having Rod along for emotional support was nice.

"So did you actually have a moment to contact Aunt Narcissa about going shopping," Lyra asked and Bellatrix shrugged.

"Not exactly, but I doubt she's busy. We'll just stop off at Malfoy Manor and invite her along."

"Would Miss Lestrange prefer to have lunch first," Harold asked, lifting his plague doctor mask from a corner bookshelf where he'd placed it for the lesson.

"That would probably be best," Bellatrix admitted with a sigh as Harold slipped his mask back on. "While it would be nice to actually take Lyra out to lunch, it probably isn't safe."

"Very good, Miss," Harold said, giving a short bow. "Lunch shall be ready soon."

Lyra scowled darkly at Bellatrix as the elf left the library. "I don't want to hide all the time," she complained openly frustrated.

"Yeah, it's no fun," Rabastan agreed, and Bellatrix fixed both with an icy glare.

"Delphini is too much of an unknown, and we don't want her attention drawn to you," she told Lyra.

"Be grateful that we're taking you out shopping. That probably isn't especially safe either, so consider it a concession," Rodolphus added.

"Oh, wow," Lyra complained. "I'll not have a normal life until this Delphini is dead? Let me have at her. I'll just tear her bloody mind up! My talent should be useful for something. I didn't bloody come here to be kept shut away like a princess in a bloody tower! I had an actual life back in Australia."

"I'm getting bored," Rodolphus complained. "Haven't we had this conversation before? You aren't going anywhere because we want you here with us, and you aren't being shut away like any bloody princess. You're going to the Ministry to teach Aurors about Auras."

Rabastan snickered. "That sounds funny. Aurors...Auras..."

"Shut up," Bellatrix said.

After lunch, they all Apparated to Malfoy Manor, with the exception of Rabastan. Bellatrix believed taking the Acromantula shopping would draw too much unwanted attention, but Rodolphus insisted. "He's here to guard us, so leaving him behind would make that difficult," he pointed out with a frown. "Anyway, if he's noticed, focus will be on him, and not Lyra."

"IF he's noticed?" Bellatrix arched her brows incredulously.

Rodolphus shrugged. "You know what I mean."

At Malfoy Manor, Bellatrix banged the snarling bull door knocker several times, then stood back with an annoyed frown as she waited for the door to be answered. When at last it opened, it wasn't an elf on the other side. Instead, it was a drawn and haggard Narcissa.

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