Chapter 91

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Chapter 91: The New Romantics

"Do you think we mentally flog ourselves for the shit we did in the past? I mean the following Voldemort shit," Rabastan asked Bella and Rod as soon as they all Apparated into their own library after the group therapy session was over. "You'd think mentally flogging ourselves would be more fun if we did," he complained.

"I don't think we do," Rod said, shrugging.

"Bottling," Bellatrix hummed under her breath. She tried not to laugh.

"He's here," Lyra sang as she darted through the door of the library. "He insisted on staying at the stupid Three Broomsticks so as not to annoy you lot, but I really don't think that's safe."

Lyra's narrowed eyes screamed blatant manipulation and Bellatrix frowned. "So what if he isn't?" She could comfort herself with daydreams over someone wiping Winterhaven out before he could take away their baby.

"Well," Lyra said. "Grindelwald wouldn't like it if something happened to his potential golden boy before he even got to use him."

Bellatrix scowled because her daughter was right.

"Sorry," Lyra said, almost seeming to mean it. "My point is still valid, though."

Pointedly staying out of the conversation, Rabastan sauntered over to his favorite armchair and settled into it to watch the show.

"Well, the boy isn't shacking up with you here, and that's that," Rodolphus said firmly. "I'll write Grindelwald, and tell him where Boy Wonder is. I will also ask if he wishes him to be placed elsewhere."

"I'm going to stay with him wherever that is," Lyra announced belligerently.

Rodolphus laughed. "Oh no, you are not. If you want him breathing, you will conduct yourself properly, and in case you were curious, properly means as we tell you to do until you are married!"

"I am well above legal age," Lyra nearly shouted. Her chin, so like Rod's own, was set in that angry stubborn way her father adapted when especially angry, and at the moment they looked very similar as they glared at one another.

"Still my baby," Rod announced implacably and Bellatrix nodded. "Please, Lyra," she said, suddenly tired. She sighed, struggling to keep her shoulders from slumping as she gave her daughter a pleading look. "Just...we aren't ready to let you go yet."

Lyra sighed as her face relaxed, the anger suddenly draining away. "I'm not going anywhere. But the two of you are going to have to realize that I am an adult. I will be spending private time with Cassius. He loves me, and I love him. And considering the two of you were animals at sixteen you shouldn't talk."

Rodolphus turned pointedly away and walked over to the desk, presumably to write Grindelwald about Winterhaven's accommodations. As far as he was concerned, the conversation was obviously over.

"Where did Winterhaven arrive," Bellatrix asked Lyra.

"He came in through the Ministry Floo from the one at The Australian Ministry. When he applied to the Ministry for his travel visa on our end, he had to explain that he was requested by Grindelwald. The Australian Minister was impressed and wanted to speak to Kereston, so she came through with him." She grinned. "Made him feel important traveling with the Minister, which you've got to admit is impressive."

Bellatrix shrugged. "If you say so."

"I was there working with the Aurors so I got to see him for a bit, but he insisted I come home and he go to The Three Broomsticks," Lyra complained.

"He is wiser than you," Bellatrix said.

She wandered over to the sofa and sank down upon it, idly wondering what the Australian Minister was like and how useful her country would be to theirs in this crisis. Delphini was a worldwide threat, so it was comforting to know more countries were willing to work together against her. One single little girl really should not be such a threat, but with the Dark Lord, or a sliver of him, inside of her and whatever abilities she inherited from her serpentine mother, she presented quite the horror.

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