Chapter 125

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Chapter 125: A Muggle Amongst Us

Gellert had all the Aurors, plus Arthur, grab onto one another before activating the crystal Portkey back to the Ministry.

"How the hell does that just happen in a second?" Arthur marveled. "And what aspect causes it to feel so uncomfortable?"

Everyone stood in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

"In short, it's another aspect of science that deals heavily with mental energy," an Auror that Bellatrix did not know replied. "I'm a half-blood, so I know enough about both worlds to lend a useful perspective," he explained.

"Okay, what's a half-blood," Arthur asked. "The more I ask, the more I don't know," he added with a chuckle.

"You'll get there," the Auror replied kindly. "A half-blood means that one of my parents, in my case my dad, is a Muggle like you and my mum's a witch." He moved forward, extending a hand. "I'm Vincent Vaun, by the way."

Arthur shook. "Arthur Pendragon at your service," he proclaimed, grinning over at Bellatrix and Gori as he spoke.

Vincent gaped. "No shit? That's really your name?"

Arthur laughed. "Just the Arthur bit. I'm Arthur Arconti, actually. I was just teasing my friends over there."

Vincent shrugged. "Very good. Always fun to give the friends a good tease. It's lucky you were on hand to help them out today."

Arthur chuckled, nodding. "Sure was."

Good, Bella thought. He knew how to play it. They hadn't exactly spread the Arthur thing around, or the talking to Merlin and Nimue thing either, not to those who didn't need to know. It was a relief that this particular Muggle could pick up cues and roll with them.

"Arconti is an Italian name meaning warlords, if you can believe that," Blaise murmured to Gellert.

As she was standing to Gellert's other side, Bella was able to easily make out Zabini's words.

"It's fascinating how the patterns work," Blaise mused and Gellert nodded.

"That it is. Those significant meanings and truths always find a way to insert themselves into the fabric of our reality. Though I know this, it never fails to fascinate when I see it in play."

Blaise nodded. "It even works when it comes to Muggles, it seems."

That bit was a surprise to Bellatrix. Muggles, for the most part, hardly seemed relevant enough to matter to the fabric of reality. Like giving special meaning to giant cockroaches, what was the point?

"There is much power in a name," Bellatrix commented, her mind returning to Arthur. Both men nodded.

"What are we talking about," Rabastan, who obviously hadn't heard the brief conversation, asked curiously.

"Later," Bellatrix said, flicking a glance to Arthur, who was still chatting with Vincent.

It would be interesting to find out if he was aware of the meaning behind his surname, because Arthur was indeed a grand warlord having defended Britain from the Saxon hordes.

"So what happens now," Arthur asked, turning to regard the group at large.

Though he'd just posed a question, it provided direction, saving everyone from just standing around like idiots. Another mark of a true leader, Bellatrix couldn't help noticing.

"It would appear that a spot of tea is in order, then perhaps back to work as usual for all." The statement came from Albus Dumbledore, who stood a few feet away.

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