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Germany had made sure to set an early alarm so he would be awake before anyone could cause mischief. However, Prussia still managed to greet him at 5am in the kitchen, sipping a beer.

Germany stood there, staring at Prussia. Prussia raised an eyebrow, then offered his drink.

Germany shook his head and sighed, instead going towards the coffee pot. It was way too early to deal with anyone. Already he could tell that this entire arrangement was going to get on his nerves.

Prussia seemed startled as the coffee pot gurgled to life, spitting out drops of delicious energy juice. Germany paid him no mind, there would be plenty of time to explain all the modern tech to him later.

"Don't touch," Germany said, eyeing Prussia trying to touch the coffee pot out of the corner of his eye.

"How does it work? What is it making?" Prussia asked, staring at the coffee pot, fascinated.

"It's making coffee. It takes hot water and coffee beans to make the coffee," Germany explained.

"Okay, but how," Prussia tried to poke the pot again.

"I don't know I just trust that its going to give me coffee," Germany grumbled, not in the mood to talk so early in the morning. "Why are you awake so early anyway?"

Prussia shrugged, not taking his eyes off the coffee machine, "force of habit."

Germany groaned. So this was probably going to be a regular thing then. He grabbed some coffee then retreated to the living room with a scowl.

Thankfully Prussia seemed to get the message and stayed in the kitchen. This gave Germany the much needed time to fully wake up.

By the time his cup was empty, the sun had begun to rise and he was feeling much more chipper and sociable. He looked over at the stairs, seeing Third coming down them.

Third nodded and smiled at Germany before sitting down next to him.

"Morning," he said, staring at Germany. It slightly unnerved him but he supposed that he would just have to get used to Third's strange behavior.

"I'll get started on breakfast," Germany quickly excused himself to get away from the weird staring Third was doing.

Third did not get the hint and followed him into the kitchen. Germany glared at him slightly.

"Third, can you explain how this works?" Prussia asked, jabbing a finger at the coffee pot.

"No," Third said flatly, pouring himself a cup of coffee. Prussia frowned.

Germany searched through the cabinets for something to make. He already had to go to the grocery store, but now it was much more urgent as he realized he didn't have enough food for more than breakfast. He could probably work in a trip to the grocery store on their tour of the city today.

Germany paused when he realized that they still had their clothes on from yesterday. There was absolutely no way they could go out like that. But how was he supposed to get them new clothes when he couldn't even trust them to stay in a room for five minutes?

He glanced over at Empire, who had seated himself at the dining table while Germany searched for food. He was much taller and stronger than all of them. He also seemed to be well behaved, although it could be a facade.

"Empire come here for a second," Germany said, pouring pancake batter onto the pan.

"Hmm? Do you need help?" Empire asked, quickly moving to stand beside Germany.

"Kind of," Germany said, flipping a pancake. "You could physically restrain Third or Prussia if necessary right?"

"Yes..." Empire said, not too sure where this was going.

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