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Prussia knocked on the door to Empire's room, "come out, we need to talk."

A muffled no came from the other side and Prussia sighed. His son had locked himself in his room for the past two hours that they had been home.

"Empire I am no longer asking nicely, we need to talk," Prussia said, ending the sentence with a growl.

Shuffling was heard on the other side, then a metalic click. Empire's deep gray eyes stared through a crack created in the door.

"Come now," Prussia coaxed. Soon enough Empire opened the door all the way.

"Thank you," Prussia said, sitting on the bed. "Now, about your other father-"

"I don't want to talk about him!" Empire interrupted, slamming the door behind him.

Prussia stared at him, unfazed. "Sit down."

Empire huffed but did as told. Once he was settled Prussia continued.

"What did he do in the immediate aftermath of my... departure?"

Empire gave a bitter laugh, "sit and stare out into space. He was completely unreachable."

"You said he got physical," Prussia pressed further.

Empire shifted, "what's that thing they say in American shows? I plead the fifth?"

Prussia stared at his son, frowning. "Empire, please do not dodge my questions."

Empire froze before staring at the ground. He shrugged and mumbled something unintelligible.

"Child, when did he hurt you?" Prussia asked softly, grasping his hand.

"I told you! I don't want to talk about him!" Empire snatched his hand away.

Prussia returned his hands to his lap, frowning. 

"Okay," he began softly, "we don't have to talk about it today. We don't have to talk about it tomorrow. We will talk when you are ready, but we will talk."

And with that he left the room, leaving his son to his own devices.

When he descended the stairs, he found Third and Weimar sitting at the table while Germany talked on the phone in the living room. Third didn't wait for Prussia to seat himself before jumping in to interrogate him.

"So? What did Brandenburg do?" He immediately pressed.

"I don't know," Prussia replied calmly.

"C'mon, you spent thirty minutes up there! What did you find out?" Third complained.

"I spent twenty seven of those minutes trying to get him to open the door," Prussia stared at Third, expressionless.

This answer didn't satisfy him either, "and you just gave up?"

Prussia shrugged, "he didn't want to talk. I will not force him."

Third crossed his arms and huffed, "I wanna know what happened."

"As do I, however if we push him further he will retract further into himself," Prussia replied cooly.

Germany stared at his phone after Brandenburg hung up on him. He had decided that it would be best to tell his state about the return of his former lover and once beloved son. However, to put it lightly, he didn't take the news the best.

"Who were you talking to?" Weimar asked as he entered the kitchen.

"Brandenburg," he replied shortly.

Prussia perked up immediately, "Brandenburg? He lives?"

Germany looked at him pitifully, "let's talk about this outside."

Prussia's smile dropped. He silently followed Germany out the front door and sat on the front step next to him. 

"Listen," Germany sighed, "this isn't going to be easy to take."

Panic welled up in Prussia. "Is he injured? Permanently? That's of no worry to me as long as he's okay, I couldn't care less about his body!"

Germany shook his head, "there's nothing wrong with him in that regard."

"Mental illness then?" Prussia spoke quickly as the panic continued to rise, "is he shell shocked as Empire puts it? Has he gone insane? I'll love him either way, if anything he needs me by his side! I'll take care of him-"

"Its not any of those options," Germany gripped onto his shoulders. Prussia froze.

"But you said he was still alive...?"

Germany looked into his eyes, "yes, and he wants nothing to do with you."

Prussia was silent for a moment, before laughing in disbelief.

"Doesn't- doesn't want to see me? Why that's preposterous! Why, we have been partnered since 1618!"


"No," anger flared up in the older nation, "first thing tomorrow you will take me to see him!"

"He doesn't want to see you! He doesn't want to hear from you! In his own words, 'I'd rather go on existing like he doesn't'!" Germany retorted harshly.

Prussia stopped, mouth moving without any words escaping. Then, very softly, he asked, "but why?"

Germany shrugged, looking away, "I've no idea. But I get the feeling that for some reason, he hates you."

"Lies," Prussia whispered, "he cannot hate me. We were partnered for so long..."

Germany laid a hand on his shoulder, "you've been dead for a century and a half, Prussia. He's moved on."

Prussia slapped him away, "I have not!"

"Take a moment to think on it," Germany said before he could continue. "But we're not going to see Brandenburg."

And with that, he went back inside the house, leaving Prussia outside alone.

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