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Author's note: Two chapters in one day, brought to you by me being a petty bitch towards haters 💅

Everyone was calm enough fifteen minutes later for them to go out. They decided that they would go to a local restaurant to eat.

"No screwing around," Empire said firmly as they entered the family owned restaurant. Third snickered and made a sign with his fingers to Weimar that Germany couldn't see. Weimar rolled his eyes and huffed.

"What are you two doing?" Germany sighed.

"None of your business," Third stuck out his tongue. Weimar banged his head on the table.

"What did I just say?" Empire groaned.

Prussia cackled. "Someone bring me some grapes to watch the show!"

"Grapes?" Third made a confused face. "Don't you mean popcorn?"

Now it was Prussia's turn to be confused. "Why would I bring popcorn to a show?"

"Oh wait, you've never been to a movie theatre," Germany laughed. "You bring popcorn to watch movies, or picture shows."

Prussia made a tiny oh. "I've heard of popcorn, but it wasn't very popular."

"I remember when it first became popular," Empire straightened up. "United States had some at a meeting we once had. It was made in a mobile machine."

"Interesting," Prussia muttered.

"Maybe I can take you guys to the movies one day," Germany offered.

They nodded as the waiter came up to their table. They ordered their food and then resumed their conversation.

"People dress very differently nowadays," Empire remarked, seeing a teen in a short skirt go by.

Germany shrugged. "I never understood fashion, that's France's thing."

"Weird how everything can change this much in so little time," Third said.

Prussia rolled his eyes, "this is nothing. You are just a young babe who hasn't seen any real change."

Third scowled. "I have seen plenty of shit! I've been to war!"

"Who hasn't?" Prussia quipped. "I reigned for more than three hundred years, you think you've seen more than I have?"

"I've seen more horrific war," Third boasted. "And far better technology!"

"I was born during the plague and lived to see the telegraph, nothing can surprise me," Prussia stared down his grandson.

Third turned towards Germany with a manic gleam in his eyes. "We should show him my films."

Empire, who was stuck between the two of them, was getting increasingly annoyed with their bickering. He put his head in his hands, sighing.

"Dad is getting ticked," Weimar quietly sing-songed towards Third.

"Not my problem," Third grumbled. "So, you think you could handle panzers and stukas, Prussia?"

Prussia faked a yawn, "you think you could handle the black death and scarlett fever?"

"Those aren't even weapons!" Third laughed.

Prussia raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

Third stopped laughing. "Wait, what?"

Prussia only smirked. Empire facepalmed into the table.

"Are you alright?" Prussia asked, semi-concerned.

"Mentally or physically?" Empire muttered, turning towards him but not lifting his head from the table.

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