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Empire sat silently in the dining room, listening to the clock tic and keys be typed. He glanced over at his father in the living room, biting a pencil to hold it while he highlighted something in his notebook.

He quickly looked back at the wall, sipping his tea. He couldn't stop thinking about what Weimar said.

He wasn't attracted to his father, that was preposterous! Weimar was just trying to get a rise out of him. And get a rise out of him he did...

He looked back at Prussia. No, he wasn't attracted to him.

Yet it made him think of some incidents in his adolescence. Things he had long brushed off as normal teenage hormones.


"Yes, I'll go find him, although its quite late so he may have already retired to bed," Empire smiled politely at one of Prussia's aides.

He took the telegram from the young man, barely older than him, and turned on his heel. He walked briskly through the halls, stopping to greet some important figures that were still awake at this late hour.

He finally reached the door to his father's office, opening the door without knocking. His father had a policy that he could enter and see him at any time.

"Ah, hello there Empire," Prussia straightened in his seat, his voice unsteady.

Empire raked his eyes across Prussia's body, curious about his state of undress. "I knew it was quite warm, but I didn't think it was that unseasonable," he joked, seeing that his father had shed his normal uniform and his undershirt was half undone.

"Ah yes," his father said absentmindedly while he combed through various papers, "well it does get quite hot in here."

Empire nodded, stepping forward. Prussia glanced up at him and moved his chair and himself closer to the desk.

"Something you need? Come now, I'm quite busy you know this," Prussia said, reorganizing the papers.

"There's a telegram, from the Austrian Empire," He said, holding out the paper.

Prussia paused for a moment, then dropped his papers on his desk. He snatched the telegram from Empire.

He opened up the envelope it was sealed in, reading quickly. Empire stood beside him, waiting.

"Bastard," Prussia mumbled. His attention snapped back up to Empire, "go to bed, this does not concern you."

"But father, I think I'm old enough to know about things concerning the nation! Soon I will be the nation," he protested.

Prussia fixed him with a glare, "boy do not argue with me."

Empire huffed before leaving the room. He decided to wait outside the door.

"Oh, young prince!" a member of parliament greeted him, "may I drag you away for a few moments?"


It was an hour later when Empire was finally released from a debate about future infastructure. On nights like these he could definitely appreciate how much work his father did.

He returned to his father's office. He slowly opened the door to see if his father had fallen asleep or not, as he was prone to do.

He saw that he was indeed awake, but he appeared to be focused on something other than work.

He was leaning back in his chair, breathing heavily. One hand was braced on the desk while the other one moved quickly out of sight.

Empire continued to watch, transfixed. Prussia let out soft sighs here and there.

Prussia moaned quietly, curling in on himself and slightly shaking. His hand moved from the desk to cover his mouth. He shuddered and gasped before stilling, still breathing heavily.

Empire stepped away from the door, blushing madly. He quickly moved his hand from his crotch, which had drifted there subconsciously.


"Father, we should go swimming," Empire said, kicking his legs up on Prussia's desk.

"Swimming?" He glanced up from his work, then scowled at his son. "My desk is not your footrest."

Empire laughed and wiggled his toes at him, "I'm quite sure it is."

Prussia swatted his feet with some papers. Empire glared playfully and set his feet back on the floor.

"It is quite hot and there is a lake nearby," he said standing up. "We can invite papi if he isn't too busy."

Prussia looked between the stack of papers and him, "anything to get out of this shit show."

An hour later they were on the shore of the lake. Empire did not hesitate to jump into it and start swimming.

Brandenburg watched on with a smile, before jumping in to join him. They quickly began splashing water at each other.

"Father! Come join us!" Empire resurfaced after finishing his breath holding contest with Brandenburg.

Prussia looked up from the dock where he was sitting, "I'm quite alright!"

"Father please!" Empire swamn over and tugged on his legs.

Prussia brought his legs back up, sitting criss cross, "how about no. You and Brandenburg can have plenty of fun on your own."

Empire pouted, "Come on, take off your shirt and join us!"

Prussia sighed, looking over at Brandenburg. His love gave him a nod and Prussia stood up.

Prussia turned around and took his shirt off, tossing it to the side before backflipping off of the dock. Empire giggled as he was splashed with quite a bit of water.

"See? Not that hard!" He laughed, splashing Prussia as he resurfaced.

"Its cold as fuck!" Prussia cursed. The other two laughed.

They continued swimming around for a while before deciding to head back to shore and rest. Prussia was the first to reach the shallows.

Empire furrowed his brows at seeing a variety of scars criss crossing Prussia's chest. He always knew his father had plenty of scars, the price to pay for centuries of conflict, but two in particular stood out to him.

They were jagged and strangely oriented just beneath his pecs. It looked more like a cut from a surgeon than a swordsman, but it looked just as messy.

Empire realized he was staring and flushed, turning away. Prussia and Brandenburg talked animately with each other, Empire stealing glances at Prussia.

His eyes raked over Prussia's well toned chest and abs. He flushed once more when he realized it had caused a problem in his pants.

---Present day---

Empire shook his head, all of that was just normal teenage hormones, nothing more.

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