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It was only a few moments later that the doctor arrived.

"Oh dear, what happened?" She said, immediately checking over Prussia.

"I'm not sure, he got really upset when asked about prior surgeries," Germany shrugged.

She took Prussia's hands in hers, trying to calm him, "its okay to show your nation form in here if that helps, I know all about the country stuff."

Prussia sighed shakily and let his human form fade. Germany did the same. 

"My name is Ellie, I'm Germany's personal doctor," she said. "Now, what exactly is bothering you?"

"I don't like doctors," he mumbled. 

She nodded, "that's a start. Could you tell me why?"

Prussia hesitated for a moment, eyeing her suspiciously.

"You're safe," Germany said, "she won't hurt you. She saved me after I got into a really bad car crash."

That seemed to reassure Prussia as he sucked in a breath and began to speak, albeit still nervously.

"Last time I went to a doctor, it was for a chest surgery," he said quietly, not looking anyone in the eyes.

Ellie nodded. Before she could speak, Prussia continued.

"They were terrible, I could feel everything. Every cut, every tug, every word," tears began to well up in his eyes as he hugged himself. "I couldn't move, couldn't speak. And they said such horrible things thinking I couldn't hear."

Ellie hugged him, "oh dear, that's terrible! I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

Prussia stiffened initially at the contact before melting into her arms. Germany placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. 

Ellie once again grasped his hands in hers, "now I promise you, I will not let anyone do that to you again."

Prussia nodded, sniffling a bit.

"I still don't like doctors," he said.

"I can understand that, but today I'd like you to trust me just a tiny bit. If only so we can get you vaccinated," she smiled sympathetically.

She then briefly left the room, only to return with a tray that had several needles on it. Prussia eyed it sususpiciously.

"I'm going to tell you what each one is and then you're going to pick the arm that it goes in," she explained.

Prussia nodded as Germany rolled up his sleeves for him. Ellie then picked up the first needle.

"This one is for tetanus," she said. Prussia sighed and then pointed to his left arm.

The process continued until all the shots were given, with Prussia alternating which arm he wanted them in. 

"There you go! You did so well," Ellie cooed. Prussia shrugged, faking annoyance at the tone.

"Now, I know I should get down your specific surgery in your chart as well as a full exam, and talk about that eye of yours," she continued. Prussia seized up.

"However I understand that today has been a lot, so we can do that another day," she finished her sentence, Prussia letting his shoulders sag as the tension eased out of him.

As they stood to leave, she had one last thing to say.

"If you ask the lady at the front desk real nice, she might give you a lollipop," she said with a wink.

Prussia rolled his eyes, hiding a smile as they left the room and returned to the waiting room. Weimar perked up at seeing them.

"How'd it go?" He asked excitedly as they sat down next to him.

"Absolutely horrendous," Prussia deadpanned.

Weimar's smile dropped, "oh no."

"He threw up in nervousness," Germany supplemented.

Weimar looked at him in shock, "you? Threw up? Because you were nervous about doctors?!"

"Keep your voice down boy," Prussia bit back harshly, sinking into his seat.

Weimar continued to stare at him dumbfounded, "I never pegged you as the type..."

"Hush your mouth," Prussia fixed him with a strong glare.

A few minutes later, Empire joined them out in the waiting room.

"How'd yours go?" Weimar asked with the same enthusiasm he previously asked Prussia.

Empire shrugged, "apparently I'm underweight."

Prussia barked out a laugh, "how? You never stop eating!"

Empire smiled, not minding the jab, "guess I shouldn't have only eaten five meals yesterday instead of my normal ten."

Prussia continued to laugh, Empire joining in. They tried to hush each other as others in the waiting room began to stare. 

"Anyways, how did your appointment go, Weimar?" Empire asked as soon as his giggling fit had ended. 

"Oh it went fine," Weimar waved him off, "I'll be getting my brace in 3 days. It'll be delivered straight to our house."

"Wonderful," Prussia smiled at him.

"Yup!" Weimar said excitedly, "normally it would take up to a month to get a new one but they were able to fast track it."

"How big is your brace exactly?" Germany spoke up.

"Ehhh," Weimar thought for a moment, "it covers roughly the same area as a corset."

"Jeez, how much back did you break?" Germany winced.

"Oh only about 3/4ths of it," Weimar replied cheekily.

Finally Third rejoined their group just then. Once he came over to them, he opened his mouth to speak but Germany beat him to it.

"Walk and talk, I wanna go home."

They chatted together on the way home. Then Prussia gave him another curveball.

"Germany, something has been on my mind," he spoke so softly Germany strained to hear him.

"Yeah?" Germany replied, somewhat distracted by driving.

"Is Brandenburg still alive?"

Empire immediately and loudly growled, startling Germany into pressing the brakes suddenly.

Prussia turned towards his son in confusion, "why are you upset about him? You two used to be so close?"

Empire breathed heavily for a moment, trying to calm himself. 

"Not after you died," he managed to say. 

Prussia grew even more confused and concerned, "...what happened?"

"He blamed me," Empire crossed his arms, "he was so sure about it, he was willing to get physical."

Prussia's jaw dropped. The others in the car were shocked as well.

"That- that doesn't sound like the Brandenburg I know," Prussia stumbled over his words in shock.

"Yeah, well, that's the Brandenburg I know," Empire turned to stare out the window.

Prussia's mouth opened and closed. "What...?"

"I don't want to discuss this any more," Empire growled, not looking away from the window.

Prussia and the others remained dumbfounded and confused for the remainder of the ride.

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