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Germany managed to calm down enough to leave the bathroom a few minutes later.

"What was that all about?" Prussia asked as he entered the living room.

"What?" Germang asked, anxiety clawing at his insides.

"Third came downstairs looking pissed, saw that you weren't here, then bolted back upstairs," Empire explained.

"Oh, I jumpscared him," Germany said sheepishly.

"Betcha got him good!" Prussia laughed. Germany laughed along nervously.

"I'm gonna make dinner, how does sandwiches and salad sound?" Germany was already retreating to the kitchen.

Empire gave a thumbs up while Prussia enthusiastically started telling a story about jumpscaring Austrian Empire when he was young.

Germany quietly began making dinner, lost in thought. From Third's reaction, he was almost certain he had been caught. So much for being sneaky. He dreaded having to face Third and Weimar at dinner time.

What even was that though? How long had that been going on? So many questions and so few answers.

Soon it was time for dinner and Germany kept his eyes glued to his food. He could feel Third's eyes on him though. No one said anything about the incident earlier.

He was relieved when he finished his food, he had made it into the clear. He looked at Third and Weimar, seeing them happily engaged in conversation with the others.

"I'm going to go to bed early, I'm feeling pretty tired," Germany faked a yawn.

Prussia waved to him before launching into yet another war story. Germany ran up the stairs.

He wasn't actually all that tired, so he played games on his phone. He probably should have tried to catch up on his work.

The time slipped by without him realizing, looking over at the clock and seeing it was just after midnight. A knock sounded at his door.

"Wha-" he sat up. Everyone else should be asleep by now.

He cracked open the door, peeking out. Two grey eyes looked back.

The door was forced open and before he could blink someone was holding him up by his shirt.

"Not a fucking word to anyone!" Third whisper yelled, forcing him against the wall.

"Third!" Weimar called after him. Third shrugged him off.

Third shook Germany, "you tell anyone you're fucking dead! You won't know what hit you! They'll never find your body!"

Germany nodded rapidly, eyes darting between the two brothers. Weimar seemed just as angry, but was doing a much better job at maintaining control.

"Third put him down," Weimar warned. Third followed.

Germany readjusted his shirt after he was set down. He never intended to tell anyone. And he'd be damned if he didn't believe that Third would make good on his promise.

"You weren't supposed to see that, earlier," Weimar muttered.

"Kinda gathered that," Germany gave a weak smile.

The brothers nervously stared at him. He put his hands up.

"Listen, I had no intention of telling anyone," he said defensively.

"But.." he began, "I do have some questions that I'd like to be answered."

Third flopped onto his bed, arms crossed and glaring at him. "What do you wanna know?"

Germany sat down next to him. "How long have you two been.. together?"

Weimar sat on Germany's other side. "A few years if we're skipping the time we were dead."

"Why though?" Germany continued. "First off, I thought you two hated each other!"

"Yes and no," Third rolled his eyes. "In case you can't tell, its complicated."

Germany exhaled. "Okay. But... Why each other? You guys could be with literally anyone else!"

Neither of them met his gaze. Weimar figited and Third glared at the ceiling.

"Look," Third began, anger seeping through his voice, "this is none of your business whatsoever. All we need from you is an oath of silence."

"I guess I don't have a choice," Germany chuckled anxiously.

Weimar looked at the clock. "None of us should be awake." He looked back at Germany. "You didn't see anything earlier, you didn't talk to us now."

Germany nodded, swallowing thickly. "I saw and heard nothing."

Third's gaze pierced into him. Germany bit back surprise. He wasn't really angry with him, he was scared.

"Let's go," Third broke eye contact, grabbing Weimar's hand. Together they both left the room.

He didn't fall asleep until sunrise.

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