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We did it! We finished this insane fucked up book! Word total is 41,865!

This is the very first written work I have ever finished. Excuse me while I pat myself on the back for once /hj

But there are of course some things I still want to go over.

First of all, I want to apologize for the severe drop in quality around and after chapter 20. I'll be honest, I completely forgot what the fuck I was doing. (Again, this is the first story I've finished, the most I've ever written for any piece was 14 chapters) But I am sorry that the story declined after that point.

I meant to have so much more character development, exploration of how Countryhumans work in this world, and how the older nations would respond to the 21st century and each other. Unfortunately I lost so much motivation midway through that this just didn't happen so I will apologize for that. You all deserved a quality story, even if its as fucked up as this one.

Finally on this front, I know the ending implies a sequel. I can tell you right now that it's not going to come from me. I'm so done with not just writing in general now, but this story in particular as well. However, if any of you want to write a sequel (Moravian_Nationalist and Nik1innit ?wink ?wink) feel free.

Now for the future!

I'm going to be taking a temporary break from writing. I need to figure out my new schedule since I'm working and have to prepare for college level exams and certifications now. BUT I WILL BE BACK! (You really thought you could get rid of me that easily? Pfft)

But I am at a bit of a crossroads at the moment. I have three overarching ideas for the next project.

-Countryhumans story based in history, following historical events
-A queer Harry Potter fanfic because fuck you JK Rowling, the franchise is ours now
-An original story dystopia

You're welcome to leave suggestions for these three categories, I'll take them into consideration.

I'll be back to publishing either after Thanksgiving or after midterms, so you have at least 3 weeks to escape me. I might update the smut book before, I might not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But above all, thanks to each and every one of you who took the time to ride this hell train with me, it sure was a one of a kind drug induced trip! I can't express how much I enjoyed and looked forward to your comments and engagement.

Until we meet again,

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