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I am running out of saved up chapters, I haven't written in a month ;_;

Christmas day came and went without trouble. No, it was the day after the fact that caused issues.

"At least keep that disgusting shit to the bedroom!" Empire lobbed a newly acquired book at his sons' heads.

Third glared wickedly before resuming kissing Weimar, this time with the full force of his tongue. Prussia gagged from the kitchen.

Empire hauled himself up from the couch to give the boys a piece of his mind, and maybe a piece of his fists as well before Germany stopped him.

"Empire, its not worth the effort, just sit down," Germany groaned.

"Yes father, sit down," Weimar smirked, pausing his make out session. 

Empire glared and pushed past Germany. "I am barely tolerating your very existence at the moment, do not test my patience," he hissed.

Weimar raised an eyebrow at the challenge, "or what? You'll kill us? You can't do worse than what brother dearest already did!"

Empire breathed in slowly, trying to keep from acting rashly out of anger. Evidently he succeeded, if only somewhat as he near ran out of the room. Prussia shook his head at the duo, disappointed, before following his son.

The two sat on the couch next to where Germany had returned to. They each took one side rather than sitting next to each other, as well as sitting far closer than normal.

"Interesting how you've been stepping in for us," Third mused, quirking an eyebrow at his son.

"And an interesting amount of staring you've been doing towards grandfather dearest and us," Weimar continued.

Germany shrunk in on himself, muttering something unintelligible in reply. His mind was racing, where were they going with this?

"Oh look, mistletoe!" Weimar grinned, holding the fake plant above the other two's heads.

"You know what that means," Third said, his voice becoming low and husky. Then his lips were on Germany's.

He froze as his father gently bit his lip. Weimar encouragingly pushed him further into his father. Slowly, he leaned into the kiss.

"How was that?" Third grinned mischievously at him as they pulled away, slightly breathless.

Germany blinked dumbly at him.

"Thi-ird, you broke him," Weimar teased before capturing Germany's lips himself.

After being thoroughly kissed, Germany pulled away. Questions swirling in his semi foggy mind.

"W-why?" He stared wide eyed at the two of them.

Weimar shrugged, "you're like us and we'd figure we'd try."

Germany scowled, but there wasn't much behind it, "who said I was interested in you?"

"You could have pulled away from either of us at any time," Third pointed out. Touche.

"You'd think life would be done throwing curveballs at me by now," Germany muttered, pulling away from both.

"You don't have to have that kind of relationship with us," concern crossed Weimar's face. "Just say the word and nothing happened here."

Germany did a once over of both of them. Both had average height, Weimar continuously slouching while Third's posture was always upright. Curly hair, Weimar's being more of a mop. Stormy gray eyes, Third's almost black with how dark they were. Not to mention the rather well defined physique of both. 

Germany groaned. "I'm not gay," he muttered more to himself than to anyone else. "I like tits!"

Amusement flickered in the others' eyes. 

"You don't kiss like a straight man," Weimar leered. 

Germany blushed profusely before getting up off the couch entirely. 

"I'm interested in someone else!" He announced before fleeing to his room, not noticing the crestfallen faces he left behind.


"So who's the lucky lady," Weimar teased one morning after New Year's.

Germany nearly spit out his coffee, "none of your business!"

"Or is it a lucky gentleman?" Third joined in, the other's not noticing the slight hint of hope on his face.

Germany tried to maintain a blank mask, "I'm straight as an arrow."

"So who is she then? Someone of respectable backround I would hope," Prussia entered the conversation. He saw the masked crushed face of Third and made a note to investigate that later.

Germany debated how much he wanted to share about his little crush that he did not have, thank you very much. Especially given that he was standing in the room and that Germany totally wasn't gay. Not that he had anything against being gay, he was just a fan of tits. And muscles. And dicks. Wait, maybe not the last one-

Doing his best to fight down a blush, and the friend in his pants, he answered. "She is from royal descent if I remember correctly." Take the bait and leave me alone, he silently begged.

Weimar wrinkled his nose, "ew, royals."

"Hey!" Empire pouted. 

Germany breathed a sigh of relief as the conversation devolved into political bickering. 


How naive of Germany to believe they would leave him alone on this issue.

"Can we get a name for the mystery girl?" Germany groaned as his grandfather joined in on the teasing. The pressure to reveal any details about his crush only increased as Valentine's day neared.

"Lemme think," Germany rolled his eyes, "how about no?"

"Maybe a first letter perhaps?" Weimar suggested. 

"Good idea!" Third clapped his brother on the back.

Germany groaned and out of desperation for them to leave him alone, he threw them a bone.

"It starts with P," he grumbled. Weimar and Third giggled and gave him a knowing look. Strangely, Prussia gave him a stern look as if he knew as well. That made him nervous.

"Penelope?" Empire guessed, completely unaware of everyone else's reactions.

"I was thinking Phoebe," Third played along, elbowing Weimar.

"Nope and nope," Germany answered nervously, glancing back at Prussia who's frown had deepened. The duo didn't tell him, did they?

"Pandora?" Weimar asked as Prussia left the room. Germany's nervousness increased.

"Also no," he supplied Weimar with a glare.

The next few hours consisted of the three of them throwing out more and more bizarre names. Prussia was no where to be seen.

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