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"What the fuck," a voice nearby whispered. Germany whipped his head around the corner to see Empire.

They stared at each other, equally horrified.

"Please tell me you didn't hear all of that," Germany begged. Empire silently stared at him.

"Empire?" Germany asked when the silence continued to stretch on.

"You want to fuck my dad?" Empire whispered.

"Please don't freak out-"

"What the fuck is wrong with you people! First my sons and now you?!"

Germany groaned, "I don't expect you to understand it-"

"If you have a crush, just don't act on it! Its not that hard!" Empire threw his hands up.

"Wait- you say that like you've delt with this before," Germany eyed the other suspiciously.

Empire's eyes widened as he immediately backpedeled, "no, of course I haven't! I'm not insane like you-"

"Weimar said you had a crush on your father, is that why you're upset over me going after him?" Germany confidently closed the distance between them. Empire shrunk back, appearing far smaller than he actually was.

"That's not- he's projecting-"

"You're upset about me wanting to fuck him because you thought you already had a claim!" Germany grinned wickedly.

Empire didn't meet Germany's eyes as he was backed into the wall. Germany stared triumphantly at him.

"What do you say to a deal?" Germany stepped back, offering his hand.

"What deal?" Empire finally met the other's eyes.

"You and me work together to seduce Prussia," Germany shrugged nonchalantly.

"I can't do that, this is wrong," Empire whispered.

A gleam appeared in Germany's eyes as he leaned in to whisper, "we're all going to hell anyway, why not make it worth it?"


"He does like flowers, just don't give too many at once."

"Like this one?" Germany pointed out a yellow flower bouquet in his romance magazine.

They were both laying on the floor together in Germany's room, several days later. Two sheets of half filled paper were layed in front of them; Prussia's Likes and Prussia's Dislikes.

"No, not that one, he'll throw it in your face," Empire flipped the page, "he likes the more purplish ones."

"Duly noted," Germany said, marking it down on the paper.

"I don't think he denied you outright, he's just not used to the idea of people liking him for him," Empire explained.

"So it should be relatively easy to seduce him then?" Germany looked up hopefully.

Empire laughed, "hell no, he has no idea how romance works outside of an arranged marriage."

Germany groaned.


"Hey Prussia, can we talk for a minute?" Germany asked as Prussia rushed to be the first to leave from the dinner table.

The other eyed him suspiciously for a few seconds, "...no." He then ran from the room.

"Alright, what did you fuckers do?" Third asked casually.

"Bold of you to assume I'm the one that did it," Germany countered.

"I know a plot of seduction when I see one, so what's your plan?" Third smirked.

Germany rolled his eyes as he left the room, "stay out of it for now."

He left Third and Weimar to interrogate Empire as he ascended the stairs to Prussia's room. The older man had been avoiding everyone for a week now. 

Germany checked his pocket, then knocked on the door.

A quiet "fuck off" came from inside the room. Germany sighed and picked the lock on the door.

"We're talking whether you like it or-" he was interrupted by a pillow being hurled at his face.

"Out!" Prussia cried, aiming another pillow.

Germany closed the door behind him, "no."

Prussia flung the other pillow at him, which he was able to dodge this time. The older nation huffed and flopped back onto the bed.

"What do you want," he seethed, glaring with his one good eye.

"To talk," Germany said, sitting down by Prussia's legs. He pulled a purple flower out of his pocket, presenting it to the other. 

Prussia scoffed, "is this your poorly conveyed attempt to woo me?"

Germany grinned, "perhaps."

Prussia crossed his arms, looking away, "I refuse."

Germany simply placed the flower on top of his chest and arms, "too bad."

Prussia looked at the younger nation incredulously. "That's not how that works!" He sputtered.

Germany laughed, "sure it is!"

Prussia carefully placed the flower on the nightstand, an action that didn't go unnoticed by Germany.

"So what is your actual problem with being with me, I've already told you several times that I'm not doing this out of some sort of fetish."

"But you are!" Prussia protested. "Why else would you?"

Germany hummed in thought for a moment. "Maybe it's because you're a rather handsome man? And intelligent? And I think we'd be rather compatible?"

"And you can't find these qualities in others?"

"Not the same as having you," Germany booped Prussia's nose, startling him.

"This is illegal," Prussia muttered.

"So is a host of other things that people still do regularly. Besides, we're countries! The law doesn't exactly apply to us in the same way," Germany pecked the other's cheek.

"But what about the morality of it?"

"Who gives a shit!" Germany gripped the other's face. "Look at us! Murderers, warmongerers, and a genocidal maniac or two! Conventional morality does not apply."

Prussia stared up wordlessly, blushing at how close they were. It was silent for a moment, before Prussia gave a chaste kiss on the other's lips.

Germany broke out in a wide grin. He placed several quick pecks all over Prussia's face. His cheeks, his lips, his forehead.

"Alright get off me you lovesick fool," Prussia grumbled, kneeing him in the stomach.

"Rude!" Germany gasped as the air was knocked out of him. He glared, "why do you kick so hard?"

"Why don't you?" Prussia countered.

"Why would I kick you?" Germany grumbled. "That's a stupid comeback too."

Prussia shoved him off the bed, "anything else I should know about?"

"Empire has a thing for you as well," Germany said nonchalantly, brushing off his clothes.


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