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Tw: discussions of suicide

The other nations took it far better than he thought they would.

"Its not your fault," Empire said after a long silence.

Germany withheld a new round of tears, "how?"

Empire sighed, "I should have warned you..."

Third and Weimar, who had zoned out at the news, now had their full attention on their father.

Empire continued,  "He had his bouts of suicidalness, according to Brandenburg, it got better after I became a toddler. There were still attempts during my childhood, however."

"Do you think that's how he died? Suicide?" Third asked.

"We never found a body," Empire avoided the question.

Germany's phone began to ring. "Someone tell me who's calling."

Empire took the device Germany held out, "it says Nervous Bluebird."

Third and Weimar giggled a bit at the name. Germany instructed Empire on how to answer the phone.

"Republic of Germany speaking."

"Germany! Are you okay? I got reports that Prussia was hit by a car and hospitalized and I wanted to make sure you were handling it," UN's worried voice came through the speaker.

"Don't worry about me," Germany tried to keep his voice from fluctuating with emotion. "I'm taking the others with me to see him, I'll update you later."

"Please do," Germany could hear the concern in the man's voice. The call was soon ended.

"Who was that? He sounds familiar," Empire gave Germany his phone back.

"That's the United Nations, he was the blue guy with wings who was in charge," Germany explained.

"The name fits," Third laughed briefly.


They arrived shortly after Prussia woke up.

"How are you feeling?" Germany asked, sitting on the bed next to him.

Prussia glared groggily at him, "like shit."

"That's to be expected," Empire sounded from the man's other side.

Third was chatting with the nurse about release dates, therapy programs, and other medical issues while Weimar took notes. Prussia didn't seem in the mood to talk, but he didn't have much of a choice.

"What pushed you this time?" Empire asked, not really caring to phrase the question nicer.

His father glared, "your worthless excuse for a father."

"What a surprise," Empire rolled his eyes. Germany glared at him.

"Can't you try and be nice?"

Empire returned his glare, "if it were the first time he did this and not the twentieth, maybe I would be nice."

"What do you mean by that?" Third turned towards them as his conversation with the nurse ended.

Prussia shrunk into himself, "Brandenburg and I have a unique relationship..."

"Didn't you break up with him when I was 19 because he started hitting you again?" Empire asked.

"He did WHAT?!" Germany barely restrained a shout.

"Yeah sometimes he would beat Prussia. Of course Vater beat him back and usually threw him out after. He'd attempt, Bran would feel guilty and they'd get back together," Empire explained in a bored tone. "Isn't that right, Vati?"

Prussia shrunk further into himself as the others stared.

"So that was just a fucking guilt stunt?" Germany could barely contain the growing rage. "You could have easily died!"

"Not like I give a fuck," Prussia muttered.

Empire stared at his father, unimpressed with his show of how little he cared for his own life. He had dealt with it since he was a child, but it didn't mean he liked it.

"Prussia," Germany's voice was much softer now, "do you really not care about yourself enough to realize that we don't want you to die?"

Prussia didn't speak for a long time. Empire left the room to calm himself before it turned into yet another screaming match between himself and his father over the elder's actions. Weimar and Third followed later.

"I thought when I woke up in the world of the living that I'd been reborn," Prussia spoke quietly, startling Germany. "I was so disappointed to realize I wasn't."

Germany tilted his head to the side, confused. "...why?"

Prussia huffed, "you wouldn't understand!"

"Try me," the younger challenged, looking Prussia in the eyes.

Neither spoke as they stared each other down. Silently, they dared the other to back down. Prussia was the first to relent.

"These gowns do not leave much to the imagination, check under," he said, leaning back against the pillows.

Germany was scandalized, blushing profusely. "What?!"

Prussia quirked an eyebrow at him, "if you want your questions answered, you'll do it. It explains everything."

Germany checked around for others before doing as Prussia asked. He did a quick peek before double checking what he saw.

Prussia nodded as if to confirm that what he had seen was real.

"You have a pussy?!"

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