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"I think this is a conversation we all have needed to have for a while," Germany said, glancing around the room.

All of them were seated in the living room together, having been gathered after dinner. Prussia sat like a king on his throne, former king anyway, while his son sat next to him fidgeting nervously. Weimar's eyes were hardened while Third's sparkled with amusement.

"First things first, clearly we all got fucked up in the head somewhere along the way," Germany cracked a smile. 

"Some more than others," Weimar glared pointedly at Third.

"But that has culminated in all of us being in some sort of romantic or sexual relationship with each other," Germany continued. "So how is this going to work?"

"What do you mean?" Third asked.

"Ground rules for dating and sex. How are we going to present to the world and hide this from others?"

Third cocked his head, "well I don't do dating."

Germany pulled out a notebook, making columms with each of their names at the top. Under Third's name, he noted what the other had just said.

"It seems as if we all skipped the romance stage," Prussia joked. "But I would very much so like to be wooed."

"I'd rather not," Empire blushed.

"I couldn't care less," Weimar pipped up.

 "I'm okay with and without it," Germany smiled. "Now, about sex."

"All the sex please!" Third cackled. Weimar wacked him over the head.

The conversation continued rather easily from there, the notebook becoming full of notes. Rules were negotiated and set in stone. By the end of the night, everyone was quite satisfied with the conversation.

"Weimar, why don't you stay in my room for the night?" Germany winked. 

Third gave a whistle and Weimar clapped him over the back of the head again before following Germany.

As soon as the door was closed, Weimar was pushed onto the bed. Germany kissed him deeply, playing with his tongue.

"And here I thought we were just going to cuddle," Weimar joked as Germany unbuttoned his shirt.

"Mmm, maybe later," Germany bit into his neck, fiddling with the straps of his brace.

He eventually had to let go so Weimar could sit up and remove the rest of his shirt and brace. However just as fast he was back to kissing and nipping at the other. 

Germany slid a pillow under the elder's hips then yanked down his pants. He kissed a trail from his chest to crotch, leaving hickies in his wake. Weimar squirmed beneath him.

Germany slowly took Weimar's cock in his mouth, giving a teasing suck to the head. The other nation stared down at him with half lidded eyes darkened with lust. 

Germany didn't spend much time there, much to the other's chagrin. He retraced his trail upwards until he could capture Weimar's lips in yet another kiss.

Weimar moaned, grabbing his hair and grinding his hips upward. Germany deepened the kiss, biting at the other's lips and swirling his tongue in the other's mouth. 

They disconnected after the air became too sparse, a string of saliva connecting them. Germany couldn't resist giving a final peck before grabbing the lube.

He poured a generous amount on his fingers before circling Weimar's entrance. He slowly entered the other, causing the older nation to let out a small gasp. Seeing no signs of pain, he continued, pumping the single digit steadily.

Soon Weimar began to squirm and pant in need so Germany introduced a second digit. Weimar sighed softly as Germany scissored the two. He was a rather quiet partner, he noted.

A third digit followed not long after, Weimar breathing heavily as red dusted his cheeks. He gave no reaction when Germany pulled out his finger suddenly. He tensed nearly unnoticeablely as the younger nation entered.

"Are you always this quiet?" Germany asked, shallowly thrusting.

Weimar shrugged, "you learn quick to not be loud when the walls are thin."

Germany bit under his jaw, purring, "well what if I want you to be as noisy as possible? I want the others to hear you."

Weimar laughed softly, "good luck with that, my lips are sealed."

At that Germany gave a harsh thrust. Weimar shuddered but did not make a sound. Germany repeated the motion rapidly, pounding against the other's prostate. Weimar was still quiet.

Germany placed the other's legs on top of his shoulders, keeping a brutal pace. Weimar began to whimper quietly.

"That's it, that's it," Germany cooed, "let me hear you."

Taking Weimar's cock in hand, he stroked at the same feverish pace. Weimar gasped, a quiet moan following. Soon he was shuddering and gasping much louder than before, spilling his release in Germany's hand.

"Hmm, we'll have to train you," Germany mused, groaning at his own release.

Weimar gave him a tired grin, "I'd like to see you try."

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