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Germany smacked his head on the table as he just got off the phone with yet another politician. 

April showers bring May flowers my ass he thought bitterly. Extreme storms were causing a lot of chaos and damage in his country, meaning he had to listen to report after report about things that should have been fixed days ago.

"They call you like they need it to breathe," Third joked, refilling Germany's coffee cup.

"Tell me about it," he muttered, taking a sip.

Prussia hummed a merry tune as he cooked brunch for everyone. He'd taken to cooking and baking like a fish to water. Half the books he owned now were various cookbooks from around the world. There were some limitations of course, other people had to do the cutting and dicing as he wasn't allowed near knives.

Germany couldn't help but stare at the older nation's ass as he swayed to the song. The tight fitting pants left little to the imagination and he felt his own pants getting a little tight.

Weimar subtly tapped him on the shoulder as he entered. He flushed, who else had seen him staring?

He looked around. Empire had his nose buried in the morning paper while Third was grinning like a shark. He subtly flipped him off.

Prussia finished up brunch and dished it out to everyone. Idle chatter began, the previous incident falling to the back of Germany's mind.

After brunch, Germany was cornered by Weimar and Third.

"What do you want? I have work to do," he peered up at them, annoyed.

Third flashed a grin, "you're down bad."

A slow blush crept up his cheeks as he averted his eyes, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You have a week to tell Prussia or we will," Weimar flashed his own grin before the duo left.

Germany smashed his head on his computer keyboard.


Germany paced back and forth in his room. Three days left. What was he going to do?

He flopped on his bed. Prussia would no doubt reject him on the spot. He'd made his positions clear a long time ago. Why would Third and Weimar insist on him confessing to Prussia?

"Assholes," he mumbled into his blankets.

Would Prussia like flowers? He was the old fashioned type, but he might take insult to it.

Germany groaned again. Being gay was hard. 

Maybe take him out to dinner? He would notice it were a date immediately.

Take him to the library? It wouldn't immediately be recognizable as a date. However it would be in public which would mean if things went wrong, everyone would hear it.

Or maybe he could just come clean right here and now. No point in dragging it out and letting his anxiety fester.


"Is something wrong?" Prussia asked as soon as they were seated in Germany's bedroom.

"No! Not at all, its just been a while since you and I talked one on one," Germany grinned sheepishly. Prussia narrowed his eyes.

"So it has," he said carefully.

Germany moved to sit criss cross, "so! How are you liking that new cookbook from Japan? He was very happy to have someone interested in his delicacies."

A smile bloomed over Prussia's face. He was so cute. 

Focus Germany!

"I'm excited to try each of them, I just need to procure more fish. I was not expecting so many recipes to have fish as a base," he chattered.

"Well we can go to the market this weekend and see what they have," Germany answered with his own smile. 

The conversation flowed quite easily after that. But Germany never forgot his original goal, so he put out a feeler.

"So, you'd describe yourself as bisexual right?" Germany asked cautiously.

Prussia became quite suspicious, "Yes... Why?"

"Oh, well I've recently come to the conclusion that I am too!" Germany half forced a smile.

Prussia concern faded somewhat, "oh? How did you come to this conclusion? Would it have to do with that recent crush of yours?"

"Perhaps," Germany looked away, blushing.

"Well?" Prussia asked.

"Well what?"

"Are you going to court him?"

Germany laughed nervously, "that's what I'm trying to do right now."

"And how is that going for you? You still have yet to give us a name for him," Prussia's suspicion faded fully.

Germany stared into the other's eyes somewhat guiltily. The silence dragged on.

"Don't tell me-"

Germany cut him off with a kiss. It was short as Prussia quickly shoved him off.

"You-you-" Prussia clutched his chest.

"Please don't hate me," Germany whimpered.

"You're perverted! I will not be a part of your fetishism!" Prussia shouted.

"I'm not fetishizing you!" Germany scrambled to keep the panicked nation from leaving.

"Then why?! I'm several times your age! Your relative and a transexual! All of which you must fetishize!" Prussia cried.

"Its not a fetish!" 

"If not then what?"

"I don't know but believe me when I say I truly like you," Germany looked down into Prussia's eyes, back against the door.

Prussia was the first to look away. Noticing how close they'd become, he took a step back.

"This is perverted," he mumbled.

"Is it? We share less dna than cousins and they used to marry all the time," Germany countered with far more confidence than he felt.

"You're not bisexual," Prussia said. "You're a straight man with a fetish."

"It's not a fetish!" Germany shouted desperately. "I do genuinely like men, I've just been in denial for decades!"

"But I'm not a man in your eyes am I?" Prussia whispered.

Germany was momentarily at a loss for words. 

"What? Of course you are!"

"Let me leave."


"Let. Me. Leave."

Germany reluctantly moved from the door, letting Prussia pass. He stared out after him.

"What the fuck," a voice nearby whispered. Germany whipped his head around the corner to see Empire.

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