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Authors note #1: publishing early because I got shit to do later
Authors note #2: warning for period typical homophobia and language, slurs, and mild smut

October, 1928

"Back so soon?" Weimar raised an eyebrow, setting down his book.

"Sold out," Third replied, kicking his boots off at the door.

Weimar hummed, standing up from his chair. He walked over to the kitchen, only a few feet away in the cramped apartment. 

"Milkman came early," he pulled out a jug of milk, pouring a glass. He brought it over to his brother.

"Drink," he said. "Stolen beer will only get you so far."

Third hesitantly accepted the glass, drinking tentatively.

"Shouldn't you be at work already?" He asked.

"Shouldn't you still be out selling papers?" He replied.

Third shrugged, taking a seat on the hardwood floor. 

As he was sitting down, a paper slipped out of his jacket, landing close to Weimar's feet. Third scrambled to pick it up to no avail.

"What's this?" Weimar grabbed up the paper before his brother could. 

Weimar's eyes widened in surprise as he stared at the raunchy material. It was a young man in attire that left little to the imagination, encouraging homosexuality.

Weimar slowly lifted his eyes from the paper to look at Third, who was a blushing mess on the floor. "Third, why do you have this?"

"I-I" he stammered out.

Weimar glared down at him unrelentingly

"I was curious," he mumbled out, hands curled into fists and staring at the floor in shame.

"Curious?" Weimar's voice was flat and cruel. "Curious about degeneracy? Were you going to look at this as an instruction manuel and then act out this horrible behavior?"

Third shook, tears welling up in his eyes. "No! I wasn't going to do anything!"

"Do anything except look at homosexual pornography?" Weimar interrupted sharply.

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