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Tw: suicide attempt and general suicidalness

Germany's heart dropped to his stomach as he ran faster than he ever had before. Shoving people out of the way, time slowed to a crawl.

His breath stopped with everything else around him as just a few feet away from him, Prussia was hit by a speeding car. Germany barely recognized his own scream.

Prussia was launched over the hood of the low car, hitting the ground behind it with the sick sound of breaking bones. Germany rushed out in the street, waving his hands wildly to garner the attention of other drivers. One car swerved into a lampost to avoid hitting them.

Several other people on the sidewalk rushed out, others watched in terror. Together with Germany, they hauled Prussia out of the road. The younger nation couldn't look away from the other's bloodied form. 

Germany knelt on the sidewalk next to him while a stranger took Prussia's pulse. He couldn't stop staring. He couldn't stop thinking his legs shouldn't look like that, his legs should not look like that. 

On autopilot, he took off his shirt to wrap it around Prussia's bleeding head. He was aware that a third person next to him was on the phone with emergency services, but everything besides Prussia was so far away and fuzzy in that moment. 

After the ambulance arrived, all he remembered was Prussia's broken form and the horrible feeling of guilt in his stomach.


Tick. Tick. Tick.

Germany wished he could shatter that awful clock hung up on the wall in the waiting room. It sat there, ticking away, mocking him. It stared down at him, as if to say you're too slow, you are out of time.

The regret and guilt of everything he had done leading up to Prussia being hit by a car was so severe that when he was settled in the waiting room after the chaos 3 hours earlier, he vomited. Even now, thinking over what lead to this made him nauseous. 

Tick. Tick. Tick.

He wanted to scream. He wanted to cry. He wanted to kill Brandenburg. He wanted to kill himself. It was all his fault. This was why he was supposed to keep Prussia from Brandenburg. But he never actually thought that the older nation would try to kill himself.

Tick. Tick. Ti-

"Erich?" A nurse called.

Germany immediately stood. The nurse waved him over. Following, they brought him to the ICU where Prussia's broken body laid.

"We managed to stabalize him. He sustained multiple fractures in both legs, broke three ribs and bruised two more, as well as sustained a concussion," the nurse explained. 

Germany couldn't tear his eyes away from the other. The beeping of his heart rate monitor sceamed in Germany's ears. The sight of the ventilator made the older nation look so helpless. Looking farther, his legs were covered in a thick layer of bandages.

"Will he- will he be able to walk?" Germany's voice was so soft it was almost as if he were afraid to speak entirely.

"He'll need physical therapy, but he should make a full recovery," the nurse reassured him. Germany breathed a sigh of relief.

"When will he wake up?" Germany's voice steadied a bit.

"Tomorrow at the earliest. He could be out for as long as a week," the nurse patted him on the shoulder at seeing his guilty face. 

"None of this is your fault, it was an accident," they tried to reassure him.

If only they knew, he thought mournfully. If only they knew.


Germany had driven back shortly afterwards to collect the others. His mind kept turning over the events of that day, over and over and over again. Why did he take Prussia to Brandenburg?

It was just after 4am when he arrived home. Third and Weimar were curled up on the couch together sleeping while Empire sat at the table.

"Well? Where is he?" He stood up and asked quietly, looking past Germany as if Prussia would magically appear.

Germany resisted the urge to break down then and there. "Wake up both of them and get a few days worth of clothes."

Empire was puzzled but followed the orders. The boys weren't happy with being woken up, but quickly quieted as they understood something wasn't right.

Germany sighed as he sat back in the car, ready for yet another long crosscountry trip. The sun was just rising on the horizon as they set off for Potsdam.

"Germany, what happened to him?" Empire asked from the passenger seat.

"I fucked up," Germany brushed away some tears.

"Germany, I need you to tell me. What. Happened."

"I caved and took him to see Brandenburg," he spat out. "Neither of them took it well. At all."

Once he started talking he couldn't stop, "Brandenburg roughed him up. Told him about his fiance and how they're over for good. Prussia freaked out."

Germany steadied himself, breathing in shakily. The others remained silent, but their attention was solely on Germany.

"He attempted suicide."

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