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They eventually caught up with Weimar and Third, who suddenly seemed very buddy buddy.

"That's weird," Empire muttered.

Germany agreed. Just an hour ago they wouldn't go near each other. Now their arms were linked and they were whispering to each other.

"How about we go and get some groceries?" Germany spoke up.

"Sure," Weimar said, glancing back at him. Him and Third separated.

Germany led the way, taking them down several streets before coming to a grocery store.

"Please behave," Germany said, grabbing a cart.

"Would it be easier for us to split up and gather food?" Prussia asked.

"Yeah, let me write out a list for each of you," Germany took out a notepad. "Let's meet back up near the front when we're done."

A trip that would have taken an hour took just under fifteen minutes. They all met up with baskets full of bread, fruits, vegetables, and a few candy bars snuck in.

"Why did you grab gummy worms?" Germany raised an eyebrow at Prussia.

"They looked tasty," Prussia shrugged.

"Fair enough," Germany took them and scanned them.

Everything was running smoothly until it came time to pay for the groceries. Germany turned around to get out his wallet while Empire snuck up and tried to pay.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Germany asked.

"I'm trying to pay, its only fair," Empire explained, trying to put the money in the slot.

Germany stifled a giggle. "It won't take your money."

"Why not?" He frowned, trying to force the machine to accept his money. It kept spitting it back out.

"That currency isn't in use anymore, I'm the only one with money that can be used." Germany tried not to laugh. Empire looked like a kicked puppy.


"What currency is used then?" Prussia pipped up.

"The Euro," Germany replied, putting money into the machine.

"Interesting name," Reich muttered.

"I share it with several different countries, like France-"

"France?" Prussia made a disgusted face, "why France of all people!"

"Well we're friends, so it makes sense," Germany began preparing himself for a yelling match. He quickly began handing over the bags of groceries and walking towards the exit.

"Since when are we friends with France?" Weimar was the loudest Germany had ever heard him.

"Lets take this outside," Germany said anxiously, seeing people beginning to stare.

He led the now very unhappy countries outside, trying to avoid people.

"You have a lot of explaining to do," Third grumbled.

"Yeah yeah, I'll explain when there aren't prying eyes," Germany rolled his eyes.

Germany speed walked home, partially hoping they wouldn't follow. Somewhat unfortunately for him, they did.

"So, France," Empire began after the front door was shut. "You share a currency, what else do you share with him?"

"Well she's one of my biggest allies and trade partners, so we share quite a lot," Germany went on the defensive.

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard someone do!" Third glared.

"Deal with it," Germany huffed. "I'm friends with Britain, United States, and Poland too, got anything to say about that?"

They were quiet for a minute.

"Since when is Poland a country?" Prussia asked, more out of curiosity than anything else.

"1918," Weimar replied.

"I took him out in 1939," Third said proudly. Germany glared.

"And lost him just as quickly, idiot," he bit back.

"You went to war with Poland?" Empire interrupted.

"Yup!" Third smiled. "And I won."

"You very much did not," Germany rolled his eyes.

"I am hearing two very different stories, what the hell happened?" Prussia shouted.

"Third started a big war, made some big gains and then promptly lost them all because he's a dumb shit who still thinks he won," Germany ducked to avoid being wacked by Third.

"I did win!" He cried.

"Winners don't shoot themselves," Germany laughed, running away.

"Alright, that's enough," Empire grabbed onto the back of Third's and Germany's shirts. Prussia was too busy laughing to be of much help.

"I do love some family drama," Prussia giggled. "You should have seen the shit that went down in HRE's court!"

Empire rolled his eyes and sighed. "Let's try to stay civil for now. Please?"

"No promises," Third grinned cheekily. Empire lightly wacked him.

Weimar began giggling as Third pouted. He tried to hit Weimar but was wacked again.

"No fighting! For the love of all that is holy-"

"He started it!" Third protested.

"And I'm ending it!" Empire yelled, exasperated. "Go to your rooms!"

Both of them gave scowles that would terrify any mortal. Unfortunately for them, Empire was no mere mortal, nor was he impressed.

"Did I stutter?" He pushed both of them towards the stairs.

Germany and Prussia looked at each other, then promptly burst out into barely contained giggles.

Empire dragged his sons up the stairs. He threw Third into his room before throwing Weimar in the other.

"I better not hear a peep from either of you!" He said, making his way back downstairs.

"Peep!" Weimar said.

"Peep! Peep!" Third joined in.

Empire stood on the steps, breathing heavily. Germany turned away so he wouldn't see him laughing. Prussia didn't care and laughed openly.

"DID I FUCKING STUTTER?" Empire shouted, turning around.

Twin eeps were heard as Empire bounded up the stairs. He stopped at the top, staying still for a moment.

"That's what I thought," He grumbled, coming back down.

"You'd think that they would have matured a bit since I last saw them," he sighed.

"Could say the same about you," Prussia joked.

Empire rolled his eyes, "please, I was never that bad!"

"Bullshit!" Prussia said pointedly. "You used to drive me absolutely insane!"

"Did not," Empire pouted. Germany giggled.

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