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Soon the agreed upon day came. They gathered in Weimar and Third's room as it was the largest. 

"So," Germany began nervously, "who's bottoming and who's topping?"

"Can't I do both?" Weimar complained, flopping on the bed.

"I figure by virtue of my configuration I'd bottom," Prussia deadpanned.

"There's ways you can top," Germany explained, hoping that the nation wasn't going to put himself through an uncomfortable situation because of lack of knowledge.

"Oh I am well aware," the nation in question waved him off, both to his relief and chargrin. "I simply wanted an excuse."

Germany rolled his eyes, "fine then mr. excuses, come over here." He patted to his lap.

Prussia grinned and happily dropped into his lap. Immediately, with a sly smirk, he began slowly rolling his hips in circles.

Third leaned back in the bed across from them, "ooo, a show?"

Germany scoffed, "I don't think so. Weimar? Shut him up."

Weimar eagerly complied, lips capturing Third's in a bruising kiss. While the others were paired off, Empire stood off to the side awkwardly, unsure of what to do. 

"Empire, would you like to announce any kinks of yours?" Germany asked, lazily grinding against Prussia.

Empire flushed, "I-"

Germany grinned knowingly. He turned Prussia around so that his back was flush with his chest, much to the older nation's chargrin. Hooking his thumbs in the loops of the dual coloured nation's pants, he pulled the garment down. That was something Prussia was far more receptive to.

"Make him cum using only your mouth," Germany nodded towards Empire.

With only a moment of hesitation, Empire got on his knees before the two of them. Shuffling forward, he gave a tentative lick along Prussia's opening. The older nation patted his head encouragingly.

Third and Weimar had stopped their making out to watch. Germany's eyes flitted towards them in a disapproving glare.

"Weimar, Third, get naked," he ordered.

While they followed his directions, he resumed observing the nation in his lap. Already, Prussia was beginning to squirm, never lasting long. Empire's motions had grown bolder, suckling at his father's clit. Prussia whimpered.

"Use your fingers on him," Germany ordered, voice low with growing lust.

Empire happily complied, a single digit quickly finding itself embedded in Prussia. The older nation's head rolled back at the duel sensations. 

"Germanyyy-" he begged, "I don't want to cum yet-"

A hand caressed the small nation's throat as he licked a stripe along his now exposed shoulder, "but I ordered him to make you cum, did I not?"

"Germany-" Prussia moaned, his grip on Empire's hair tightening as a second finger entered him.

"So easily undone," Germany murmured, delicately biting the juncture between the older nation's neck and shoulder.

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