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Author's note: on account of it being summer break and me having more time to write, we're going to experiment with a twice a week update schedule

"Hey, Germany?"

"Yeah?" Germany replied, looking up from his computer.

"Is it possible to get Weimar an appointment with a doctor any time soon? He's missing some, uh, medical necessities," Third shuffled his feet nervously as he spoke.

"Oh of course! What exactly does he need?" Germany opened a new tab on his laptop to search for his doctor's number.

Third grinned sheepishly, "I'm not sure I'm allowed to say..."

"Will he die in the next 24 hours without it?" Germany looked at him seriously.

"No, but he is getting increasingly uncomfortable and agitated by the day."

Germany raised an eyebrow, finger hovering over the call button. "Third, just tell me."

"He has issues with his back and needs a brace, nothing terrible," Third attempted to wave him off.

"Back issues? That doesn't sound good."

"He's fine, don't worry," Third gave a tense smile. Germany wasn't buying it.

"...did you hurt him?"

Third's smile dropped as he took offense to the question, "of course I didn't!"

"Third, what did you do?" Empire entered the dining room, frowning.

Third sputtered, face reddening with anger, "I told you! I didn't do anything!"

Weimar popped his head around the corner, "what are we arguing about?"

"They say I'm the one that broke your back," Third complained.

Weimar broke out into a short fit of giggles, stopping to wince in pain. "No, Third didn't break my back. To be honest I'm not sure what did it in the first place..."

Empire stared at his eldest, dumbfounded. "You broke your back and you don't even know how...?"

Weimar shifted, "well its not exactly broken per se."

Germany shrugged, "well I'll make the appointment anyway. Besides, all of you need your shots."

"Shots?!" Prussia yelled from the living room, "I will not be shot!"

"Flu shots! Vaccines to keep you from getting sick," Germany quickly yelled back.

Prussia stumbled into the dining room, "I survived long enough without any of this 'vaccine' nonsense, I'll survive plenty long more!"

Germany sighed, "Prussia no..."

"How many do we need?" Third asked.

"Well you'll at the very least need flu and covid shots. You'll need the MMR vaccine, polio vaccine, tetanus too," Germany counted on his fingers. "Fuck, you'll need all the vaccines."

Empire spoke up, "How does vaccination work nowadays?"

"They give you a quick jab with a needle," Germany demonstrated with his hands as he spoke, "it might be sore for a bit, especially the covid one, but other than that you'll be fine."

While the others nodded along, Prussia remained unconvinced.

"I will not have any needles anywhere near my person," he complained.

"Prussia, you'll get sick," Germany protested.

Prussia stared down the beak at him. "I have survived smallpox, the bubonic plague, and typhoid fever, I will be fine without your pesky 'vaccines'."

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