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Prussia considered himself pretty good at dealing with day after soreness. Brandenburg had never been the patient type. However, this was on another level.

"The fuck did you two do?" He hissed as he tried and failed to find a painless way out of bed.

"Hey, just stay there," Germany hushed him, helping him to lay back down.

"We thought this might happen so we brought you breakfast in bed," Empire said.

Prussia flopped backwards dramatically, "and what will the others think?"

"Given how they were smirking over breakfast, I think they already know," Germany grinned sheepishly.


"You are not quiet," Empire rolled his eyes. Prussia blushed scarlett.


"My pussy hurts," Prussia complained.

"I am sure it does" Empire replied.

Prussia glared at the ceiling. He did not like being bedbound for an entire day. Once he was freed from this prison, Germany and Empire would rue the day.

"Is there some sort of painkiller I can just put down there?" He whined.

A cheeky look crossed Empire's face momentarily before he schooled himself. "No, I don't think so."

Prussia stared suspiciously, "what were you thinking about then?"

A light blush dusted the other's cheeks as he mumbled, "...nothing."

Prussia propped himself up on his elbow, turning to the side with a hiss, "I know when you lie."

Empire nervously played with the hems of his shirt, "well... it was just a fleeting thought really-"

"Empire," Prussia commanded, eyebrow raised, "simply spit it out."

"IwasthinkingIcouldeatyourpussy?" Empire rushed out, covering his face.

Prussia blinked.

"Could you repeat that? Slower?"

Nearly all of Empire's flag was red, "I was thinking I could eat your pussy? Because pleasure would outrule the pain...right?"

Prussia couldn't help the laugh that escaped him. Of course his child would go there. He grinned, contemplating the idea.

"Seems worth trying," he shrugged, laying back down and splaying his legs with a wince.

"Really?" Empire reminded him of an excited puppy.

"Yes, now come over here before I change my mind!"

Empire eagerly shuffled over, gently grabbing the others hips to get a good angle.

"Ohhh," Prussia sighed as the boy's tongue lapped at his sensitive opening.

Empire's tongue darted back and forth between the other's entrance and his clit. Prussia began to writhe at the teasing, hands gripping the younger's hair.

"Stop, hnn, teasing," he whined. He tugged on Empire's hair more harshly.

Empire gave a small moan himself before fully turning his attention to Prussia's clit. He spelled out his name with his tongue, the older nation's moans increasing in volume.

"I'm so close-" he panted, head thrown back. "Please, please, please!"

Empire wrapped his lips around the clit and sucked hard, Prussia shouting his name as he came. Empire couldn't hold back his own groan.

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