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---Sorry for the late chapter, I know its already Wednesday for half of you!---

Prussia was discharged from the hospital a few days later. The weeks passed by with Prussia attending both physical and mental therapy. Many interesting conversations happened between Germany and Prussia in that time.


"You know you don't have to pretend to be a man anymore, women have equal rights in the 21st century," Germany sat down on Prussia's bed.

Prussia lowered his book, raising an eyebrow, "who said I was pretending?"

Germany was momentarily taken aback. "So you're trans?"

"I don't know what that means," he replied, going back to his book.

"Its when you're assigned one gender at birth but you're actually another," Germany explained. "France was assigned male, but she is, well, a she."

Prussia put his book away, intrigued now. "So that's why her voice is higher? And why her mother was upset with her?"

"I don't know much about what's going on with Monarchist, but yes. A lot of trans women do voice training," Germany gave an encouraging smile. "It sounds like you've already done some form of voice training, your voice is pretty deep."

The older smirked, "I've had centuries to master a wide variety of skills."

"I believe it."

The two of them were quiet for several moments.

"No other living person knows except for you," Prussia took on a serious tone. "I'd like to keep it that way."

"Empire doesn't know?" Germany was surprised. How did he think he was concieved?

"He thinks Brandenburg and I agreed to a surrogate," Prussia answered the unasked question. "Brandenburg is undeniably homosexual, I, however, love freely."

Germany chuckled, "we're going to have to update your vocabulary."


"How'd therapy go today?" Germany asked, picking Prussia up from his latest double session. The place where he did physical and mental therapy were close together, so twice a week he would have both kinds of therapy back to back, with third sessions on separate days.

"She says I'm making a lot of progress," Prussia smiled brightly at him as he was helped into the car. "We also need to pick up my medicine at the pharmacy."

"Pain or birth control?" Germany began to drive. He had convinced Prussia to let his mental health therapist know about his situation and she had worked with his main doctor to prescribe something to stop his periods. The word elated didn't do justice to how pleased Prussia was with that.

"Both," Prussia bounced in his seat. 


Germany was shaken from his reminiscence by the sound of shrieking. He sighed and set down his coffee, going upstairs.

"WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU TWO?" Empire bellowed, gripping his sons by their shirts.

Third was incredibly pale at his father's yelling, Weimar, meanwhile, seemed rather bored.

"The hell's gotten into you?" Prussia came out of the bathroom, towel around his waist and hair a wet mop.

Empire's face reddened even more than it already was. Germany thought he could have been a brother species to the tomato, but wisely kept his mouth shut.

"These two," he shoved forward the young men as he spoke with barely contained anger, "were attempting activities yet again!"

Prussia stared for a moment, expression blank. He then retreated to his room, everyone else staying silent in their confusion.

He hurried back, a thick encyclopedia in hand. He proceeded to wack the brothers over the head, three times each.

"Next time I will not hold back from causing brain injury, lord knows that it might be the thing to correct your awful behavior," he said coldly as the two held their heads.

Germany couldn't help staring after the older nation while the others scurried away. A slow blush dusted his cheeks as he realized why. 

He rushed into his room, shutting the door harder than necessary. And if he happened to participate in solitary adult activities, totally not to the thought of his great grandfather, then that wasn't anyone's business but his. 


The months flew by and soon it was nearing Christmas, as well as the sixth month anniversary marking their resurrection.

Prussia's physical therapy took a quarter of the time it would take a regular human, nation healing sure came in handy. He still needed to go to mental therapy once a week, but since starting birth control his mental health had skyrocketed. 

Empire had caught his sons several more times, in varying states of undress. However, over time, even he became more and more resigned to the idea that there was nothing they could do to change the brother's minds. He still grumbled, but it was no where near close to the screaming matches that had occured a few short months ago.

Germany had a unique problem with this normalization of his father and uncle's relationship. It made it harder and harder to argue against his inappropriate crush on Prussia, his great grandfather.

It wasn't even entirely the incest part, although that was undeniably a major part of it. No, it was that he was absolutely not in any way gay.

Of course Prussia had to derail that by having a pussy. 

He knew it was wrong and disrespectful on so many levels, he just couldn't help it.

So here he sat, jerking off to the mental image of his relative for the third time today. He hated himself but he couldn't help but be aroused by the increasingly lewd images that crossed his mind.

Prussia, dolled up in a short blue dress that left little to the imagination. Or maybe him cooking in the kitchen as he often did after figuring out modern stoves, wearing nothing but a frilly pink apron, ass on full display. In both Germany would take him from behind, roughly fucking the other in both holes while Prussia cried for mercy.

Germany gasped as he suddenly came into his hand. The guilt that was overshown by his arousal came roaring back. 

As he cleaned himself, his inner voice berated him. How disgusting of you to fantasize about your own family! Your own flesh and blood!

What? he shot back, I only share like ten percent of my dna with him, same as a cousin, and people used to marry their cousins all the time!

The voice was quiet for a short while, not having a comeback to that. Instead it chose something else.

It's weird to imagine a man in a dress, especially one that hates feminine things.

Germany sighed. "Cross dressing is a thing," he mumbled under his breath.

Prussia wouldn't cross dress though, the voice replied.

Shut up, you don't know that, Germany flopped onto the bed.

He abhorrs the idea of incest, the voice was back yet again.

"I know!" Germany said angrily, only realizing after a moment that he'd spoken aloud. Cursing, he shoved his face into a pillow and shrieked.

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