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After several exhausting hours of debating parliament, they had managed to reach the same deal that was made with Germany's chancellor and president. 

"Thank God that's over," Third said, flopping on the couch and throwing his tie to the ground.

It was almost one in the morning at this point. Their meeting with parliament started at 9am.

"Move, that's my bed," Germany grumbled. Third begrudgingly got up. 

"See you in the morning!" Prussia smiled, chipper as ever. 

The rest of them muttered their own goodnights, retreating to their respective rooms. 

Germany laid on the couch, staring at the ceiling. Despite his exhaustion, he couldn't seem to fall asleep.

He had made such a huge committment today. He now had full responsibility over those four men upstairs. Their action was his action, their crime his crime. Strangely enough, the thought didn't bother him all that much.

He didn't regret what he said and did, not in the slightist, but what would his adoptive parents think of his decision? USA and Britain would likely be very disappointed in him doing something so foolish. 

He thought about the previous three days. He thought about all the stupid adventures they went on, the small smiles no one else got to see. 

He turned over on his side. Maybe he'd come to regret his decision, but that was something he could deal with in the morning.


When he woke up, it was to the sound of sizzling bacon and the smell of burnt waffles.

He sat up, looking around. Blearily he looked at the clock. 13:07.

He briefly stretched before going into the kitchen. Third was busily fanning some crispy waffles while Weimar chewed him out.

"I told you that I should handle the waffles and you handle the bacon!" Weimar scolded him.

Third stood there awkwardly holding a plate of pitch black lumps. Germany stifled a giggle.

"I wasn't sure if they were done," he mumbled, looking like a kicked puppy.

"Oh hello Germany," Empire interrupted, smiling at his grandson. 

"Morning," he smiled back. "I can see an attempt at breakfast was made. Or is it lunch now?" 

"It's brunch!" Prussia laughed, stabbing the coal coloured waffle. "And this is not!"

Germany laughed at Prussia making a disgusted face while throwing the burnt waffle in the trash. Third continued to stand there looking guilty.

"Third can't cook to save his life," Weimar offered up an explanation to Germany.

"I can cook!" Third cried before Germany could get a word out. 

"Yeah, and that thing even a goat wouldn't eat is proof of that isn't it?" Weimar retorted.

"Modern tech just sucks," Third pouted.

"Its okay," Empire patted Third on the back, "you'll get it someday."

"I don't think he will," Weimar ducked to avoid Third's fist. 

"Well, its very nice of you guys to try and make a meal," Germany smiled softly. 

Once they were all seated and eating Germany spoke up. "Today we're gonna have to pack up everything. I know this is sudden, but I don't have much time. Tomorrow is moving day and we're driving, not taking the train."

"How do you want to divy up the tasks?" Empire asked.

"I was thinking each person is assigned to a room," Germany answered. "I'll pack up my old room, Third can pack up his, Weimar can do the kitchen stuff, and then you and Prussia do the living room and dining room."

"Yes sir," Prussia saluted before running off into the living room. 

"He didn't finish his breakfast..?" Weimar said, confused.

Empire laughed, "That's Prussia for you!"

Turns out these old men did not know how to package things. 

"Prussia no, no" Germany said softly, trying to untangle him from packaging tape.

"It has no right to be this sticky!" Prussia exclaimed.

Empire tried to stifle his giggles. Weimar popped out from the kitchen, packing tape tangled in his own hair.

"Wow, you're even worse than I am," he remarked.

Prussia glared at him before resuming twisting in the tape. Germany sighed.

They had only been packing for two hours and while some progress had been made, evidently there was a struggle. It seemed like Germany and Third were the only ones who knew how to package things.

"This one is full of books," Third came down the stairs carrying a box, "where's the pen so I can label it?" 

"Its called a sharpie, Third, and its over on the counter," Germany shook his head.

Third wandered off into the kitchen with Weimar while Empire resumed his work. Thankfully, they were making progress on untaping Prussia.

"Freedom!" Prussia celebrated as he ripped off the last of the tape. 

"No more taping for you," Germany said sternly. "Leave that to Empire from now on."

Prussia rolled his eyes and picked up a roll of tape. Germany promptly slapped it out of his hands and stared at him. He took the hint and traded places with Empire in putting books in boxes.

Germany went back upstairs to resume packing up his clothes. He didn't have very many, so it didn't take him much longer to finish. Come to think of it, Germany didn't have much of anything in his house. 

Everything that could be packed was by the time six o'clock rolled around. Germany decided takeout would be best and a few minutes later pizza was at their door.

"That looks weird," Prussia muttered, staring at the pizza.

"So? It tastes good," Germany rolled his eyes, taking a big bite out of his slice.

Prussia kept eyeing the pizza suspiciously before Weimar shoved a slice into his hands. He hesitantly took a bite.

"Well?" Germany said.

Prussia shrugged. "Not the worst I've had, but I am not fond of the greasiness."

"Your loss," Empire replied, sneaking another slice.

Germany shook his head. Another day down. Hopefully the next few stayed as good.

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