The winner is now the loser.

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                    JISUNGS P.O.V
I woke up and groaned as my alarm was loud in my sensitive ears. I turned it off and got up. I brushed my teeth and did my hair. I don't know if we had certain dress codes so I wore my usual black hoodie and black sweatpants. then walked out the door with my gear.
                END JISUNGS P.O.V

sungie didnt have.a car so he just walked their on his own. He got to the building and went in already seeing people there. After he put his stuff away he went into the training room.
The main members weren't there because they were doing the jobs that Minho had assigned to them.

Minho and seungmin stood on the sidelines out of sight watching jisung so they could see how skilled he was.

He stopped in front of a punching bag and situated his feet getting ready to train. Then he through a big punch at it and another one after that. and occasionally some kicks.

"His punched are perfect.. it looks like his fists go to the same place he is looking and that's pretty rare. plus he hits hard, but not so hard he could damage his knuckles." seungmin said as he analyzed.

"Also his kicks..he has good balance
and good force, he prepared his foot as it is going up to hit something hard. So his foot won't hurt afterwords."

Minho slowly nodded his head like he was understanding..he was also paying close attention.

And seungmin was beginning to question Himself..*Maybe..he is pretty valuable here.*

"Challenge him in a fight with someone." Minho said eagerly.

"Yes sir, who?"

"... Antonio."

Seungmin widened his eyes.

"But boss, Antonio has never lost a fight..and he usually injured his opponents so bad they need medical attention. I thought you said you wanted to protect him."

"I believe he will win seungmin. and if he does, make him my assistant. If he doesn't...then fire him."

"You really have that much faith in him."

Minho nodded his head and seungmin went into the training room to obey orders.

"Alright everybody! we're gonna have a fight between two members."

"OoOoOo" everybody spoke out.

"The first person is the new kid..HAN."

Jisung gave a confused look and walked to the middle of the room.

"The second person will be...Antonio."

The crowd made a big gasp as they started mumbling to each other.

"But hes new here, why would you pair him with Antonio." a member shouted out through the talkative crowd.

"It's bosses orders."

Seungmin then went back to the sidelines where Minho was.
"Are you sure about this sir?"

"Yes..I told you, I think he will win."

Antonio met jisung in the middle of the room and they bowed to each other.

Antonio was eager to start the fight. So he threw a punch at him but jisung quickly dodged and used the opportunity to hit him.

The crows again gasped as if they were now scared.

Antonio got mad then again went to hit jisung but this time didn't miss.

Minho stopped himself with a quickness from going in there and stopping the fight after seeing HAN get hit.

Before the quokka like boy could react Antonio hit him again then kicked him to the ground.

"You think you can show up here and think you can defeat me when no one ever has? you thought wrong. If you know what's good for you then you'll stay your little trashy ass on the ground."

Minho clenched his fist..he wanted so badly to teach Antonio a lesson.

But...Minho then looked surprised when jsiung stood back up.

"You see that seungmin."

"See what sir."

"The look in HAN'S eyes.. determination, and anger..that is how I know hes about to kick Antonio's ass."

Antonio threw a quick punch but jisung quickly and punched Antonio to the ground.

"Come on, get back up..the fun is just getting started." he said with a deadly smirk.

He sounded crazy and insane, and all Minho could do was laugh.

Antonio slowly got back up and went to kick HAN. But jisung grabbed his foot and twisted it making Antonio fall face first on the ground.

"Get up." Sungie said Angrily.

Minho was secretly smiling.

Antonio got back up using a lot of strength.. he went for a fast attack but jisung kneed him in the chest knocking the oxygen out of him and punched him hard enough to where he fell again.

"S-Stop..I'm done." Antonio said out of breathe.

"Looks like my trashy ass just beat yours didn't it."

Everyone was clapping at jisung's win

"HAN get over here!" Shouted seungmin. by this time Minho had already walked away.

Jisung slowly walked towards seungmin.

"You have a job will be bosses assistant. Go ahead and stop by his office on 10 minutes, he will fill you in on the rest."

jisung smiled and bowed.
He then went to his locker and put his fighting gear back, but when he closed his locker, Antonio was standing right there.   (Scary movie vibessss😭)

"Y'know, it's not fair how you were able to just join stray kids (AKA the mafia name.)

"What do you mean?" asked jisung confusingly.

"Everybody here got beat black and blue to show that they belong here. Do you think it's fair that you got in so slick and easy while we had to go through torture." Antonio he was clearly lying.

If jisung was committed about anything. it was about being fair, and he started to feel bad.

"Well, do you???"


"Don't you think it's fair that you get the same treatment we did?"

Jisung looked down. "Yes.."

Antonio smirked.."grab him boys."

Jisung felt hand grip his shoulder and pull his arms behind his back..but he knew this feeling all to well..

"Now, you got a pretty face, so if I mess it up boss would definitely notice. So I'm going to have to do this where he won't be able to see it."

And before jisung knew it he felt a sharp pain in his stomach causing him to groan.

8 minutes later, jisung was covered in purple, black, and blue markings all over his arms and stomach. He wasn't using his legs to stand anymore, the boys were the only thing holding him up.

"I..have t-to, bosses o-office here in a c-couple minutes." said jisung in a obvious state of major pain. he barley got the words out.

"Let him go boy, we don't want him to be late on his first day."

They let go of him and jisung instantly dropped to the ground, and the hard solid floor hit some of his bruises.

"Be here same time tomorrow..and if you really want to keep things fair, then you won't tell boss about this."

They all walked away leaving jisung on the ground...


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