The answer.

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Jisung watched as Minho used tools and knives to completelty torture Antonio. Don't get him wrong he was just as upset, in fact he would be raging right now if he didn't see Minho like this.

Ever since he has been here He has never seen Minho like this. He gets that he's the mafia boss and he's bound to act like this, but it's one thing hearing it, and it's a whole other seeing it.

"Sir, i think it's time to stop now, you have two more days for you really wanna kill him on the first day. Remember, you said pain worse than hell. If he's dead you can't give that to him." Seungmin said.

Jisung perked his ear up at the odd conversation. Minho looked at Seungmin and put the knife down.

"Keep him down here, and don't feed him throught these 3 days." Minho then ordered one of the members to roll up the pocket bag and go put it up.

While Minho had turned around making eye contact with Jisung, he was almost startled because he forgot he was here. Jisung signaled Minho to follow him as he walked out.

Once they both reached the hallway, Jisung stopped in his tracks still facing foward. "Jisung.." Minho said sofly since Jisung wasn't moving. "Minho.. i'm just as upset as you are have to give me some time to process what I just saw. I've never seen you like that before."

Minho sighed and grabbed jisung's hand yanking him around to where they were facing each other. "Jisung, How do you feel?"

"Like my insides are twisting and turning, but at the same time..I feel relieved," Minho tightned his hold on Jisung's arm and Jisung felt it. "Why do you feel safe?"

Jisung grabbed hold of the eye contact he was about to drop. "Because of you." he explained. Minho felt his heart jump, his neck hair stood up, and his spine discovered chills.

"Jisung, you have a good do what you NEED to do, and you don't do it because you want to. But i can almost guarantee that i am more upset than you. see i made a promise to myself, that no matter what, i wouldn't let anyone hurt you. I've realized now that i broke that promise, and god forbide that in the future, that promise will probably be broken again. I can't shield you from harm, all i can do is try my best to make sure that in the end, your protected. When you said you feel safe because of me, i felt like i had to make myself a whole new promise. Will you let me?"

Jisung was lost in Minho's words. "What promise?" He asked. "Jisung, i promise that from now on, i will do my best to..ensure that i continue to hear that you feel safe because of me." It was now Jisung who was feeling nervous.


"I still can't answer because I still don't know, but what i do know for sure is that i feel this extremely strong urge to have you by my side, and protect you the best i can. As for why? I will tell you when i find the answer."

Jisung felt the butterflies in his stomach trying to riot.

'First he acts desperate for me to say his name, and now he wants to protect me? I hope he finds that answer soon, because i really want to know. Maybe...our answers could be the same?'  Jisung thought.

There moment was interupted when Seungmin came up to them. "Sir, can I please talk to you?" he asked. Minho looked at Jisung and handed him the keys.

(Guys, he's trusting him with his keys!!)

"Wait for me in the car, and lock the doors okay?" Jisung nodded his head and did as Minho said.

"Sir, please explain to me what is happening in detail."

"I thought you heard, Antionio had been beating Jisung for 3 of course i would do something, even you reminded me what i said i was going to do to the people that hurt him. Is there a problem?"

"No sir, it's just that Antonio is our best member, i understand that he's done wrong but-"

"-No you don't, because if you did then you still wouldn't be calling him our best member."

Seungmin understood his mistake and decided to address something else.

"You call him Jisung, and he calls you by your name. When did that start happening and why?"

"It's because That's what i wanted, that all you need to know."

" you feel a certain way about him?"

Minho jumped a little at the sudden question. "What do you mean in a certain way?"

"Like, do you like him? sir."

Minho widened his eyes, he was going to say no, but his mouth wasn't allowing it which only led Seungmin on more. "Sir, at this point even if you say no, I won't believe you, I've been seeing the changes in you, the quick anger towards anyone who wrongs Jisung, and the instant softness you have towards him when you speak, and now calling each other by your names."

Instead of Minho denying it he found a way to reverse the situation. "Seungmin, I know how you feel about I.N"

Seungmin froze. "

W-What are you talking about?"

"I'm not stupid Seungmin, i see the way you look at him, i mean a blind man could see it..meaning that more than blind, i don't know what the hell he is."

Seungmin gave up. "I'm surprised i gave it away so easy."

Minho stood straight.

"It's the same way i know that Felix and Hyunjin are dating..They always look at each other and everytime i see them they are together. Even though i made the rule of not dating co-workers, that rule might as well be fuckin' noul and void."

"Why haven't you said anything to them if it's agaianst the rules."

Minho sighed. "Because their in love Seungmin. No matter how cold and dark i am, love always find a place in someone's heart, i know when i see it if someone is in love, how can i take that away from them." After that there was silence. Minho felt awkward. "But um, also because they are really good at their jobs, i can't fire them if they do it right." Seungmin nodded his head and was about to walk off when Minho stopped him. "And hey, I.N likes you to."

Seungmin looked at Minho with shock and glee at the same time. "Really?"

"Yes, so go shoot your shot, don't let him slide past you."

Seungmin smiled and nodded. "You to boss, don't let Jisung slide past you. If you really search for yourself, you will find that love in your heart, or maybe already have."

Before Minho could respond he was off. Leaving Minho there with his thoughts. After a minute he met Jisung in the car and sighed. "What's wrong?" asked Jisung.

'There's nothing wrong Jisung..But i just may have found..the answer'

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