The Rest Of The Emails.

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Minho didn't move, he just stared at the boy in front of him unable to comprehend what he heard from him. He wanted to...Pull him close and do something..he wanted to do many things...He wanted to-

The door came barging open and Seungmin appeared.

"Sir, you need to come inside, we got the rest of the emails from BTS and 3RACHA."

"What?? You did?"

Seungmin nodded his head and took another look at Jisung. "I want you to go wait in the office okay? I promise I'll be out soon."

Jisung understood and did as he was told.


Meanwhile, Minho was in the computer room with Felix, Hyunjin, and Seungmin and Felix brought up the rest of the emails on the screen.

How did you find
out about

It doesn't matter
how we know. What
matter is he's in
the mafia that we're trying
to take down. Are you
planning on betraying us?

No, of course not.
We didn't even know
he was in stray kids.
This is new information
for us. We lost him 2 years
ago, so it's a good thing you
found him. We are going to take
him once we ambush stray kids.

Minho mumbled, "Over my dead fuckin' body." And continued reading.

Then it's settled, once we
take down stray kids we
get which I would think you
want to know what his name is now

Get him by any means if we can't.
We will pay you handsomely."


Minho was more than enraged. "When do they attack???"

"I don't know yet, but I will look into it, sir," Felix said.

Minho left the computer room and headed to the office. When he opened the door he saw Jisung sitting at Minho's desk with his head down, sleeping.

Minho laughed cutely and went over to Jisung.

Then he gently shook him and whispered, "Jisung, c'mon, I know you're tired, but I got to deal with Antonio.

Jisung heard Minho's voice and lifted his head then stretched. "Okay, let's go...I'm kind of excited to see what you have up your sleeve for him today."

"Eager I see?"

"You have no idea, that side of you is kind of, y'know.."

Minho looked at Jisung. "I don't know, tell me."

"Never mind, let's go do this.."

I'm sorry this chapter is so short! I haven't been feeling good these past few days and the pain has been killing me. But you all are more important to me so I will make up for it!💜💜💜

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