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Trigger warning! there will be talk about anxiety in this chapter sweeties.💜 I hope this helps you.


Jisung looked down clearly
embarrassed. "Well if you want me to stop then your gonna have to take a few steps back away from me."

Minho froze, he knew jisung was blushing because of him, but he didn't think he would admit it to his face.

"I'm not going to be able to do that. So let's go."

As Jisung started following..Minho stopped and turned towards the younger again. "Oh, and one more thing. No causing trouble."

Jisung agreed and they headed inside. When they opened the door the smell of weed filled their noses.

"Oh, were almost late." A strange voice echoed.

Around the corner jisung saw an average height man with a cigar in his mouth. His hair and face looked as if he just woke up from a hangover. And his clothes looked dirty with stains.

He should have at least TRIED to look nice.

Thought Jisung.

(Now jisung let's not even think about rude things, your a nice person😭 Sometimes..)

"We came a little later than expected since I underestimated how far away this building really was." Minho said.

"Whatever, I have the drugs..Do you have the money?" Piere asked as he threw a bag of weed in front of him.

Minho pulled out his wallet. "Of course I do."

                   JISUNG'S P.O.V

I watched as Minho pulled out his wallet to get the money, and he started counting it. Then I looked ahead of me and accidentally made eye contact with Piere. His eyes were completely look on me and for some reason he looked elated.(very happy.)
I looked down because I felt uncomfortable, I remembered what Minho said which was not to cause trouble, so I couldn't say anything. I looked back up to see if Piere was still staring at me, but when I looked up he started walking towards me. I panicked inside and yanked on Minho's sleeve to get his attention.

                  NO ONE'S P.O.V

minho felt his sleeve being pulled and he turned around to look at jisung to see why he was doing that. But when he looked at the younger all he could see was panic and terror on his face.

Minho turned back around to see what jisung was looking at and saw Piere walking towards jisung. Luckily as soon as Piere was about to reach him Minho put a arm between the two. "Hey, what the hell are you doing?" Minho asked concerned and angry at the same time.

"What's this Cutie's name?"

Jisung got disgusted at Piere calling him cutie.

"What is it to you??" Minho exclaimed.

Piere crossed his arms. "I'll make you a deal, instead of your money, which I know you love, give me this young man."

Jisung widened his eyes his eyes and took a few steps back, While
Minho -Who's still facing piere -
Grabbed jisung's arms and pulled the younger behind him.

"Are you out of your damn mind? Never!" Minho yelled.

Piere scoffed "Mafia leaders don't care about their member so don't pretend like you do. Come on. Just give him to me." Piere said as he went to grab jisung, but Minho quickly shoved him.. roughly.

"If you dare touch him I will rip those hands off your disgusting body, do you understand?"

Piere backed up in fear of Minho and his tone. But jisung was rather shocked. He hadn't yet seen Minho like this..And for HIM.

"Whatever, just give me my money since you have my drugs."

Minho closed his wallet and put it back in his pocket. "No. Your reward now is me keeping you alive." His clenched fists only getting tighter.
Jisung noticed and grabbed his hand to calm him down. The older felt the chills on his back at the youngers touch. And surprisingly he wasn't as mad anymore. Minho lowered his angry tone. "Don't ever get close to him again." Minho said as he grabbed Jisung's arm and dragged him out of the building along with the drugs.

As soon as they were out, Minho unlocked his car and put the drugs in the trunk. Then they both got in.

Jisung's body was tensed at the tension.

He said not to cause trouble..But he didn't even hesitate to threaten Piere, even when he didn't have to.

A little while into the drive back had passed.

"So..have you always had anxiety?" Minho asked out of the blue.

"Huh?" Jisung exclaimed but Minho stayed quiet waiting for an answer.
"Um..How did you know?"

"I've been observing your body language and behavior. It didn't take long for me to put the pieces together. So, how long?"

Jisung inhaled a breath. "E-Ever since I was young."

Minho tilted his head a little bit confused as he was still paying attention to the road. "Then why choose this line of work?"

"Because of the adrenaline..I love the adrenaline. As a person who has anxiety, I know that anything can trigger your anxiousness. It can either put you in a panic attack or the exact opposite. At some point I learned where to put my anxiety and turned it into adrenaline. So when I get scared, my heart starts to race and my breathe gets heavier, My hands start to shake. But if you think about it. All that can happen when you get excited as well."

Jisung kept rambling. "If you think about it. If people with anxiety get all those symptoms when they get scared, they think it's a bad thing. But if they get all those symptoms being excited then they aren't worried about it. that's proof that you choose how your anxiety can be used. And I use mine as adrenaline which makes me feel like I can do anything."

(I hope that makes sense my lovelys💜 Be strong.)

" really aren't like anyone I've ever met." Minho said.

"In a good or bad Sense?" Jisung asked jokingly.

"A good one of course. Im sure there are plenty of people out there who haven't learned how to control it like you do. But I feel like even if you didn't know how to, you would still be doing this to challenge yourself. People find a tendency to run away from the things that scares them, even my members. But you don't. For find it fun, the most dangerous and life risking things you will do just for fun. That's what I really like about you. You don't run away from danger."

Hello my lovelys. This chapter was persuaded by the word 'Anxiety'
immediately when people hear that word they think of something bad because that's what we were taught. But just like any other word. Anxiety is only just a word. It's on you how to interpret it. Anxiety could be another word for adrenaline, and adrenaline could be another word for anxiety, there the same. As for a lot of people in this world, they think Anxiety is only bad and you may think I'm crazy for thinking that it's also not. But as Minho said in this chapter, people have the tendancey to run away from things they are scared of and that's why they stay scared. People run away from the fact that anxiety cant also just be a bad thing because they want to use it as an excuse to think something is wrong with them. And as I said it is just a word. So instead of thinking of how you feel like you can't breathe or maybe you can't stop shaking your leg and tapping your pen. Think about the same feeling you get when your excited and adrenalined and you don't think anything is wrong. Anxiety is only how you perseve it my lovelys. I love you all. and be strong💜💜

Minsung mafiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora