The punishment part 1

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Minho instantly walked to the counter and grabbed his keys.

"Minho wait! Where are you going?"

Minho dint answer, he couldn't hear anything. He was blinded by rage and he was going to get revenge. All he could hear was his dealthy thoughts.

That motherfucker is dead.

Minho got in his car and started driving. He was indeed by rage and pressed his foot even harder on the gas while also clenching the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

He got there quickly due to his speeding. He was greeted by a member that was outside smoking but Minho ignored him and went inside.

(I would be upset to I meannnn😭)

Seungmin immediately saw Minho when he came inside and went up to him. "Sir, what are you doing her-"

"-Where is Antonio?"

Seungmin tilted his head in confusion. "Why? Do you need him?"

"Damn it! Why doesn't anyone answer me the first time I ask them? Where is he!?"

"Um..he's in the locker room." Seungmin said as he was frightened.

Minho swiftly walked to the locker room and saw Antonio talking with some manners. He walked passed them and punched Antonio in the face earning a gasp from everyone in the room.

Antonio held the slot on his face that was hit and was about to speak but before he could Minho punched him again.

"Boss!" Seungmin yelled. "What are you doing? What did he do?"

Minho ignored the question. "Take him to the basement. He better be down there before I am you understand?"

Seungmin slowly nodded his head and Minho walked off.


Antonio was tied to a chair down in the basement with some members there. Seungmin was there as well waiting for Minho.

"Seungmin! What did I do? Why is boss doing this?!"

"I don't know, but whatever you did must have really pissed him off because he doesn't put people in the basement unless.."

Antonio got scared. "Unless what?!"

Before Seungmin could answer, Minho came in with a rolled up pocket bag. He laid it down and unrolled it revealing knives, tools, ECT.

Antonio widened his eyes as Minho grabbed one of the knives out of the pocket patch.

Minho looked at it up and down and spoke, "Antonio, tell me now, why did you beat HAN up?"

Seungmin turned his head to Minho and Antonio had a hard time finding words. "I-, what do you mean?"

Minho made a slice on Antonio's leg and smiled hearing him groan. "I'm not going to ask again, tell me."

But then Jisung entered through the basement door..he ended up having a guard from Minho's house drive him here. "Minho!" Jisung yelled as he turned the heads of everyone.

Everyone in the room knows that no one should ever call Minho by his name. And some of them didn't even know his name.

Minho turned his head as well hearing Jisung's voice. But he then turned back to Antonio. And without looking at Jisung Minho said, "Jisung! How long has he been doing this to you?"

Jisung clenched his fists anxiously. "..3 days."

Minho bent down to Antonio's face level and playfully slapped him then laughed.

"Well, you better get ready for the next 3 days, Antonio."

Minho bent back up and jammed a knife in Antonio's leg then twisted it. Minho swears that Antonio's painful was the best thing he has ever heard besides when Jisung said his name.

Sorry this one wasn't as long I apologize!!!!!!!!

Can you tell how sorry I am my lovelys...I really am!😭💜🥰

And all of you please go read my other Minsung story! I only have one other and you can click my profile to find it!🙏

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