I will protect him with my life.

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Jisung met seungmin in the main room..

"So, are you ready for the tour?" seungmin asked curiously.

Jisung nodded his head yes and they both started walking around.

"This is the computer room, this is where we do hacking and most of the working."

He nodded his head as they made their way to another room.

"This is the training room."

"Wow...it's huge."

"Yeah well we have a lot of people to train, and honestly..I didn't think that boss would let you in, but I was wrong..you must be valuable."

Jisung held back a smile.

"Hey, what's the leaders real name?"

Seungmin was almost flabbergasted by the question. But jisung didn't mean it in a rude way he just wanted to know.

"....His name is Lee minho, but you only call him sir or boss."

Jisung understood and they continued their tour.

"And lastly,,everyone has the opportunity to change their name, no one has..but would you like to?"

Sungie thought about it.

"I would like to change it to HAN."

Minnie nodded his head and took a quick bow.

"Okay then, here is your schedule and I will see you again tomorrow."
He left and jisung looked at his schedule.

                    THE SCHEDULE.
                  BE HERE BY 7:00
                 EVERYDAY APART
             FROM THE WEEKENDS.
    TRAIN IN THE TRAINING ROOM              FROM 7:05 TO 7:40.

           7HOURS LATER:.  11:00PM

seungmin went to a bar to drink since he had a long tiring day. He walked in and saw his boss at the bar with a drink in front of him, which to him was quite weird.

When Minho wanted to drink he did it at home because he hated bars.

He went to the further end of the bar and got the bartenders attention.

"Hey, how long has that guy in the black leather jacket been here?"

"Uhh, for about an hour at least."

"Is he drunk?" asked seungmin.

"No, just a little tipsy, he hasn't been drinking much..just sitting their zoning out."

"Okay, get me a spirytus please..I'm gonna need it." he mumbled the last part.

The bartender left to make seungmins drink and he went and sat next to Minho.

"Hey boss."

Minho slowly turned his head around.


"So..what's wrong?"

"Why would you think somethings wrong."

"Well, you absolutely hate bars, and normally people come here to drink their problems away, but your at a bar not even drinking at all so what's wrong."

"Alright, but you can't tell no body okay."

seungmin nodded his head.

"Do you remember that boy I told you about years ago, the one that those fake cops were after."

"The one that saved you?"

"Yes, well..the new guy jisung..is that boy."

Minnie widened his eyes. "Wait what???"

Minho turned his head back around to look at his drink.

"He is?? is that why you let him join?"

"What?, no..I let him join because he is very valuable."
Seungmin still didn't think that jisung was valuable enough to be in the gang. He crossed his arms.

"And that's the ONLY reason you let him join."

"Yeah of course."

"Sir, be honest."

"Ugh! fine. I also let him join because..he was tortured and abused badly because of me. and he has enough scars to prove it. If I had just went back home like he said then he probably would have gotten away.
But I want to find the people who did this to them..and kill them."

He drank after he said that.

"That isn't like you..you only kill people if you have to..why does this guy get like a free pass huh?!?"

Minho slammed his fists on the table scaring the life out of seungmin.

"Because he saved my life!" he yelled not caring about the attention he grabbed from others.

He grabbed money out his wallet and put it on the table. then started walking out but stopped right beside seungmin.

"I will protect him with my life. If anything happens to him, someone will feel pain worse than hell." he said through gritted teeth and clenched fists.

then he walked out the bar.

He sat in his car and rubbed his head then he started his car and went to drive home.

Once he reached his house he got out the car and walked into his HUGE mansion.

He hated being at home though..it felt so lonely living here all by himself. When he walked in he felt sad that no one was there or waiting for him.

Minho walked into his room and plopped down on his bed.

*I will find the people who did this to you jisung. And I will make them pay, I promise*

And with that, he close his eyes and went to sleep.

Minsung mafiaWhere stories live. Discover now