Kai And Jackson.

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Minho nods, "Him and Jackson. I will make them regret and pay for what they did to you, Jisung. Trust me."

Jisung smiled, "I do. More than you know."

Minho leaned in and kissed Jisung again before sitting back down.

"I will stay by your side until you fall asleep again, and then I will go give them the punishment they deserve."


Jisung smiled lovingly before closing his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Minho held Jisung's hand the whole time so the younger could fall asleep in comfort.

Once Minho knew for sure Jisung was asleep, he stood up, hovered over Jisung's sleeping body, and placed a kiss on his temple.

"I will be back, love. Sleep calmly and peacefully...I will take care of this."

He then left the room and signed papers so he could leave.


Minho was in his car driving to the place where he had told his guys to bring Kai and Jackson.

He pulled into an old storage unit place. Once he checked in he went to the number garage his men had texted him, and once he got there he opened the garage door and shut it once he went inside.

The first thing he saw was Kai and Jackson on their knees being held down by hands tightly gripping on their shoulders, their hands tied and their mouths taped shut.

Minho smirked at the sight. Not only was he ready for revenge, but he was excited.

"Okay!" Minho shouted as he clapped his hands to get attention to him, "So, what am I going to do with y'all?"

Kai was dead silent, but Jackson was trying to scream through the tape on his mouth, Minho looked at the guard holding him down and nodded his head.

Once he nodded his head the guard ripped the tape off of Jackson's mouth causing a slight groan of pain to echo throughout the garage.

Minho grabbed his gun and turned it as he looked at it, "Jackson, if I'm correct you were one of the ones who helped torture Jisung years ago...I would watch what the hell you say to me because you are already on my bad side."

Minho kneeled down to Jackson's face level, "because I'm just waiting for another reason to kill you."

Jackson gulped and swallowed before he talked, "P-Please don't hurt me...I was only doing what I was told, I swear!"

Minho swiftly punched Jackson across the face with much strength. Shockingly, the impact of the punch didn't make Jackson fall.

"I don't think you understand, Jackson...I don't care what you were told to do or not, the fact that you did it is already set in my brain, and your death has already been played out in my mind. Maybe you just got unlucky...but I'm the world's dangerous mafia boss, meaning, I don't give a fuck, and at this point, I'm just going to have fun."

"F-Fun?" Jackson stuttered in fear and confusion.

Minho smirked and nodded, he then walked over to Kai and ripped the tape off his mouth, "You know, for someone about to die a horrible, painful death..you seem extremely calm."

"I am," Kai spoke, "Do you honestly think you scare me?"

Minho laughed, "Oh buddy..you think I care if you are scared of me or not? No, I don't. Whether you're scared of me or not," Minho playfully slapped his face multiple times, "your short future is still the same."

Kai broke eye contact and looked down, which caused Minho to smile.

"You being scared of me is just a bonus."

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